Note: this assumes you start when local repo is in sync with remote one, which you may want to verify first (by pushing or pulling). If after the fact you find you lost some local changes, you can restore them to your local repo from the backup made in step 2) and commit / push them.

For the longest time, the default branch in most Git repositories was named "master". Fortunately, many people have become aware that this terminology (even more evident in "master/slave") should be replaced! The tech industry should move to a more inclusive, open culture - and removing language like "master/slave" is an important step in this journey.

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In the second step, we'll have to create a new branch on the remote named "main" - because Git does not allow to simply "rename" a remote branch. Instead, we'll have to create a new "main" branch and then delete the old "master" branch.

GitHub, like other code-hosting platforms, too, expects you to define a "default" branch - and deleting this is not allowed. Additionally, your old "master" might be set as "protected". You'll need to resolve this before you can go on. Here's how to do this in GitHub:

After creating the new "main" branch on the remote, you might then (depending on your Git hosting platform) have to change the "default" branch or remove any "protected" status for "master". You will then be able to delete the old "master" branch on the remote.

One thing to keep in mind, though, is your toolchain: if you're using a CI/CD tool, GitHub Actions, Azure DevOps / Atlassian Bamboo / GitLab CI pipelines or anything like this, you should check these tools thoroughly. If they depend on a specific "origin/master" branch, you might have to change their settings, too.

In June 2020,GitHubannounced that is was moving the default branch name from master tothe more neutral name, main.GitLabfollowed suit in a few months later. TobieLangel makes thesalient point on why changing the name is a good thing:

During August 2021, we started renaming our repositories from masterto main. We deliberately chose August, because that month is the mainschool holiday in the UK. That means most of our clients and team are onholiday, so the impact of any change was reduced.

Code owners: all repositories have a named list of repositoryowners. Depending on the repository, this is usually between two and sixpeople. These are the members of the Jumping Rivers team who havepermission to merge a branch onto the default branch (master /main). The person who made the initial merge request cannot mergeinto main. This has to be an additional team member.

Continuous integration: all repositories have a CI process. The CIranges from very elaborate pipelines to (relatively) simple checks onthe contents of committed files. In order to merge into the defaultbranch the CI must pass. To avoid copying CI scripts to ourrepositories, all CI files are templated. A typically CI file lookssomething like:

We changed the CI template repository from master to main. As thisis templated across every repository, this means that any changes to arepository would now fail the CI, unless the CI template file wasupdated. This provided a natural method for incorporating changes intorepositories that were being actively used. We also identified keyrepositories, where we had to take extra care, for example our Website.

This season I had less time to play league so I decided to focus more on the quality of each game I played, such as playing meta champ, VOD review for decision making and got to master 200 lp within 100 games. However, I wanted to go further to grandmaster but after playing more than 100 games in this elo, even with VOD review, it doesn't help as much as the impact of one line is so much smaller in Master tier. I have watched Coach Curtis' video on Climbing From DIAMOND To CHALLENGER, however as my main role is jungle, VOD review doesn't help as much since it is more situational. Also with LP inflation Grandmaster last season require 4-500 lp only while midseason now it is already at 600lp.

I have a master sheet. I need to get data from one column linked into another sheet based on certain criteria. I tried index and match, which worked well for the first cell in the subsheet, but then realized I couldn't just copy the formula down the column on the new sheet (there are ~2800 rows on the master) and it might not update if we added new rows to the master.

In short, if [Column A, cell 1 Master] is in a row where [Column C, cell 1 Master] is equal to [value], then put the value from [Column A, cell 1 Master] into [Column X Subsheet]. I thought about automation, but from what I'm reading it seems I would have to copy a whole row to the other sheet, not just a cell.

Thank you for your past help with this problem. I just realized today that when I was working on adding some more things to this sheet that the formula I have for pulling the organization name into Sheet 2 works great, but I don't really understand why it works. As a memory aid, here is Sheet 2 showing the formula for pulling in the organization name from Sheet 1.

Thank you so much @Paul Newcome! I'm going to have to figure out what happened last week because a colleague added a row in Sheet 1 and all the information in the columns in Sheet 2 got displaced from the correct organization.

In this example NUMBER is the helper column to pull in the Org Name from Sheet 1. I have some other data from Sheet 1 I'm pulling in as well, but also some separate data I need to enter in Sheet 2 for each org. Amount is the data entered in Sheet 2 for this example. If someone enters a new row in Sheet 1 so that D & E get bumped down to numbers 5 and 6 in COLLECT's memory bank, the Amount does not move with them when the sheet is refreshed. So D will suddenly have 100 for its amount, E will have nothing and C2 will be 200. What do I need to do to ensure that if the org list order changes in Sheet 1, all the cells in a row in Sheet 2 shift with the org name?

The easiest question to ask would be... Is it possible the data you are entering on sheet 2 can be calculated from the entries on sheet 1, or is it all brand new data? We can set it up so that it retains the original order based on when something is entered, but it may be easier to use formulas to generate the calculations with cross sheet references (if possible).

Thank you for replying! It's all new data that we're putting on Sheet 2. We'd rather not have the financial information about this project on Sheet 1 (the master sheet) if possible--that's what is on Sheet 2.

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) points out that "Master-slave is an oppressive metaphor that will and should never become fully detached from history" as well as "In addition to being inappropriate and arcane, the master-slave metaphor is both technically and historically inaccurate." There's lots of more accurate options depending on context and it costs me nothing to change my vocabulary, especially if it is one less little speed bump to getting a new person excited about tech.

So we see that while the word master doesn't always connote slave, for many, it's evocative via basic word-association and they just don't want to look at the word on their prompt all day. Choice is cool.

Let's see. I'll just "git branch -m master main" and then push it back! Remember that -m is --move so your history isn't changed! Even better I can "git push -u origin main" to set the upstream at the same time.

The last thing to think about is if you have a CI/CD, GitHub Action, Azure DevOps pipeline or some other build system that pulls a specific branch. You'll just change that to main. However, usually unless your CI explicitly calls for a branch by name, changing master to main will "just work!"

I think that the most logical way is to keep the stable code for both features in the master branch, and the development code related to feature 1 in a branch feature-1 and the code of feature 2 in another branch feature-2. When your code becomes stable in these branches you can merge them to master.

Hey there,I'm using ROS Noetic on my Ubuntu 20 host pc and ROS Melodic on my raspberrypi slave machine. I try to start a node on slave via roslaunch running on master. Roscore is running on master.If I run roslaunch directly on the slave it, works fine. When I do roslaunch on master I get errors.

I solved the issue. The problem was, that the bashrc is not called by shh commands. I wrote my own env-loader and put all the config stuff in it. I put it to the workspace on the slave and changed the launch file on master.

Since its inception, the Git DVCS tool's default branch name was set to master. Every Git repository had a master branch unless a developer took explicit steps to remove it, which was rarely ever done because the master branch plays an integral role in the software development world. For most projects, the master branch represents the source of truth -- that is, all the code that works, is tested and ready to be pushed to production.

However, the term master is out of favor in the computing world and beyond. Git and GitHub weren't far behind either. Starting October 1, all new GitHub repositories will create a default branch named main, and GitHub will no longer create a master branch for you. Let's examine why GitHub renamed the master branch to main branch and what effect it will have on developers.

The computer industry's use of the terms master and slave caught everyone's attention in the summer of 2020. Amid the many protests and the growing social unrest, these harmful and antiquated terms were no longer considered appropriate.

"Both Conservancy and the Git project are aware that the initial branch name, 'master,' is offensive to some people and we empathize with those hurt by the use of that term," said the Software Freedom Conservancy.

GitHub took action based on the Conservancy's suggestion and moved away from the term master when a Git repository is initialized, "We support and encourage projects to switch to branch names that are meaningful and inclusive, and we'll be adding features to Git to make it even easier to use a different default for new projects." As a result, GitHub renamed the master branch to main branch. e24fc04721

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