I'm working on a Bash library and want to ensure I'm supporting as many environments as possible - including old installations of Bash. My development environment is Bash 4.3, but some of my users may well be running much older versions and presently I have no way to confirm or deny that my library will work for them. In particular I'd like to be compatible with OSX (which still ships with Bash 3.2, AFAIK).

I know Bash can run in POSIX-compliant mode; is there a similar setting to disable modern functionality? Or a way to run Bash in some sort of compatibility mode? I'm looking for any technique short of actually finding and booting up old operating systems and testing my library there.

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Using env -i rather than just calling ./bash directly leaves you with a mostly-empty environment (run env from inside the shell to see what's still set). Updating the PATH allows calls to bash (e.g. bash -version) to invoke the local bash shell, not the system-wide installation (but note this pulls in your whole PATH). Adding --noprofile --norc avoids loading your .bashrc and associated scripts.

I have a Docker image (repo) using these installation steps, if that's helpful for folks to reference. I wouldn't necessarily suggest using this image directly, but you're welcome to copy from the Dockerfile/install script. MIT licensed.

Although it's nice to know that it's possible to compile arbitrary versions of bash locally (as discussed in my other answer), these days there's a much simpler option - the official Docker bash images.

Mind you, while it does change behavior as described under each compatNN entry in the man page, it does not remove features that are otherwise present on the current version. For example, this doesn't cause any errors:

I am using 4.3.11, and I am curious to know if my scripts are compatible with some earlier versions, but I don't want to actually install an earlier version. I could dig through the changelogs and figure out what features I'm using that are lacking from previous versions, but that seems a bit tedious. I was hoping for some kind of magical command line option or script command, instead (wishful thinking, probably).

Installing older version of individual software is tedious if you have to install each software package manually, not to mention resolving the library incompatibilities. But there's an easier solution: install an older distribution. Installing an older distribution, with a consistent set of software including development packages, costs about $1 of hard disk space and maybe an hour to set up the first time.

The schroot package makes it easy to install an older (or newer!) Linux distribution that's running on the same system as your normal Linux system. You can easily make a schroot setup where you can run a program in an environment (a chroot) where the system directories point to the older software, but the home directories are those of the normal environment. I wrote a guide for Debian-based distributions; you can easily go back to Debian slink (with bash 2.01.01) this way.

If you want to test with different Unix variants, different CPU architectures, or very very old software, you can run other OSes in a virtual machine. There's a little more overhead (in RAM, disk space, CPU and maintenance) but it's still very much doable.

You can mount a folder in the docker, so you can easily test scripts from your machine in the docker container. The following would allow the folder /Users/myuser to be available in the docker container at /myuser

Write your scripts in a POSIX conforming manner, and then test with a completely different shell, like dash, zsh, pdksh or what have you. Avoid dark corners and gray areas of the shell language; do everything in "canonical" ways.

Of course, that doesn't prove your code isn't stepping on some Bash bug in an old version, but it improves the confidence. For one thing, Bash bugs are more likely found in Bash-specific constructs (which are not exercised by portable scripts) and in those dark corners and gray areas (which are not exercised by many scripts).

One benefit of making the script portable is that, suppose a user does find that your script doesn't work in their installation which has an older Bash. Well, since the script isn't Bash-specific, maybe they can get it to work with an alternative shell, and one that they are already have installed.

There are only two ways to know whether your code steps on some historic Bash-specific bug. Only one of those ways is halfway reliable (the one you don't want to do: pull out old versions of Bash and test). The other way is to pore over the Bash change history and try to determine whether bugs which existed in any old versions that you care about might be affecting something that your script is doing.

I installed a new executable into /usr/local/bin and this directory is in my path ahead of /usr/bin . But, bash still prefers the version in /usr/bin until I start a new bash process. The which command clearly sees that the preferred version is in /usr/local/bin.

Obviously I realise I can install using the source tar ball, however I would prefer not to install from source and instead use the package manager, as that's what it's there for. Surely somewhere reputable builds .deb files for the latest Python releases (why python.org don't is beyond me) that I can reference.

If there is no way except for building from source, is there a (pseudo) package that I can can install that will provide all of the dependencies needed without having to find and install each individually? So that I don't get:

The upgrade to Wily will adapt the meta-package python3 to point to python3.5. I don't expect any breakage, but at this point the foreign repository is not needed anymore. So to be really safe, you can purge the PPA before doing the upgrade.

Important Note: it seems that if you already have python 3.4 installed then apt-get install python3 does not work because it says you already have it. It seems that was one of my problems because I was starting from a docker image from tensorflow (in particular gcr.io/tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-devel-py3) and something in that image (I assume its that they already have python 3.4 but it might something else) didn't allow me to update my python to get python 3.5.

Availability varies with Ubuntu release to a degree. For example 3.5 is available for Xenial, Yakkety, and Zesty and 3.6 is available for Yakkety and Zesty but you must enable the Universe repository if not enabled to obtain them via apt-get. To check availability for your version of Ubuntu check the links above.

Conda is actively updated and allows you to install multiple python versions in managed venvs without the tedium of setting it all up yourself. Binary extension pathing problems may have been solved in many of the anaconda managed dependency/pip chains it uses.

It will not overwrite your existing Python 3.x, which is still symlinked as python3 afterwards. The hack to install packages from an older Ubuntu release is from here. I just used this to install Python 3.5 under Ubuntu 19.04.

Some great answers here with alternatives for almost every use-case (install from source, PPA's, pyenv, Docker, Conda). Only a few of them technically answer the question's explicitly stated apt-get use-case, but the orthogonal answers are helpful to other readers (like me) as well.

@CharlieParker's Docker-based answer pointed me in the right direction for my use-case and is greatly appreciated. However, as noted in the comments, you are still limited to apt-get installing a version of Python in the container based on the Ubuntu release of the container.

Bash, short for Bourne-Again SHell, is a shell program and command language supported by the Free Software Foundation[2] and first developed for the GNU Project[3] by Brian Fox.[4] Designed as a 100%[5] free software alternative for the Bourne shell,[6][7][8] it was initially released in 1989.[9] Its moniker is a play on words, referencing both its predecessor, the Bourne shell,[10] and the concept of renewal.[11][12]

Since its inception, Bash has gained widespread adoption and is commonly used as the default login shell for numerous Linux distributions. It holds historical significance as one of the earliest programs ported to Linux by Linus Torvalds, alongside the GNU Compiler (GCC).[13] It is available on nearly all modern operating systems, making it a versatile tool in various computing environments.

Brian Fox began coding Bash on January 10, 1988,[18] after Richard Stallman became dissatisfied with the lack of progress being made by a prior developer.[7] Stallman and the FSF considered a free shell that could run existing shell scripts so strategic to a completely free system built from BSD and GNU code that this was one of the few projects they funded themselves, with Fox undertaking the work as an employee of FSF.[7][19] Fox released Bash as a beta, version .99, on June 8, 1989,[9] and remained the primary maintainer until sometime between mid-1992[20] and mid-1994,[21] when he was laid off from FSF[22] and his responsibility was transitioned to another early contributor, Chet Ramey.[23][24][25][26][27]

Since then, Bash has become by far the most popular shell among users of Linux, becoming the default interactive shell on that operating system's various distributions[28][29] and on Apple's macOS releases before Catalina in October 2019.[30][31][32] Bash has also been ported to Microsoft Windows[33][34] and distributed with Cygwin and MinGW, to DOS by the DJGPP project, to Novell NetWare, to OpenVMS by the GNU project,[35] to ArcaOS,[36] and to Android via various terminal emulation applications.

As a command processor, Bash operates within a text window where users input commands to execute various tasks. It also supports the execution of commands from files, known as shell scripts, facilitating automation. In keeping with Unix shell conventions, Bash incorporates a rich set of features, including: 152ee80cbc

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