GIS Covid Response Site


Covid-19 Guidelines (updated 3/15/23)

GIS will continue to follow the Covid exclusion criteria as posted by the Oregon Department of Education (please see below).


To calculate the 5-day period exclusion period, Day 1 is the first full day after the symptoms develop OR the positive test result is received. Isolation may end after 5 days if the individual is fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicine and other symptoms have improved.

If a person tests negative twice in 48hours after the first 5 day isolation period and all symptoms have resolved, they can choose to unmask earlier (via CDC guidelines.)

We ask that families still notify the school if a child has a positive Covid test so we can alert the immediate class to the exposure.  This can be done by emailing both your director and your child's teacher.

COVID-19 Exclusion Summary Chart (1).pdf