Welcome to the Twos Program!

Welcome families! The following is a quick summary of what to expect during home learning at GIS. Our Twos classroom will be using Seesaw as their main platform for communication with families and students.

All students received an individual QR code to allow for easy log in into their individual Seesaw space.

Terms used throughout this site

Home learning: GIS terminology to describe current learning environment that includes academics as well as creative, inquiry-based and social emotional learning opportunities.
Google Meet:
GIS chosen platform for video conferencing

Seesaw: Online learning platform, especially used with pre to grade 3. Originally used by GIS for building e-portfolios for students and parent communication, now integrated as home learning platform

Google classroom: Online platform used with grades 3 to 5 to manage content and assignments.

Synchronous learning: real time classroom meeting via google meet

Asynchronous learning: use of recorded lessons and instructions to be completed by students on their own time