GIS Communicable Disease Management Plan

Communicable Disease Management Plan


Infectious disease emergencies are circumstances caused by biological agents, including organisms such as bacteria, viruses or toxins with the potential for significant illness or death in the population. Infectious disease emergencies may include naturally occurring outbreaks (e.g., measles, mumps, meningococcal disease), emerging infectious diseases (e.g., SARS, avian influenza), and bioterrorism.

If what appears to be an infectious disease is detected while onsite, the following procedures are to be followed:

  • Inform the front desk and send the student(s) to the front desk

  • A Covid test may be performed by the school if consent has been given by the parent/guardian

  • The school will inform the parents or other emergency contacts- the student should be isolated from others until they can be picked up

  • In case of a serious concern, the school will call 911 and provide the following information:

      1. Nature of medical emergency

      2. Location of the emergency (address, building, room number)

      3. Name and phone number

  • An administrator will inform the school community in an appropriate manner.

  • An administrator will inform the Washington County Department of Health and Human Services if a positive case is found

Emergency Line - Disease Control and Prevention Line: 503-846-3594

  • Staff will take appropriate measures to disinfect any rooms and material the student was exposed to and will continue to disinfect rooms and materials as required for the situation.

  • Administration will take appropriate measures to screen all staff and students who enter the building. Using daily screening sheets and classroom entry/exit logs to assist with monitoring and contact tracing as needed.

  • School Policy for absenteeism due to sickness or illness will be adjusted as required by the Department of Health & Human Services, CDC or Oregon Department of Education.

COVID-19 Additional Protocols

  • The Local Public Health Authority will notify our school if a student tests positive for Covid 19, however, please notify the school if your child/ren receive a positive test result and have been in contact with other students as this will expedite our school’s quarantine and communications process.

  • Administration will communicate to appropriate parties in the above case, with discretion in accordance HIPPA policy.

  • If a student is exhibiting a primary symptom of Covid while onsite (fever, unusual cough, new loss of taste or smell, or shortness of breath) the front desk will be informed and the student will be sent to the front desk

  • The school will inform parents or other emergency contacts- the student will be isolated by the front desk and/or sick room area until they can be picked up.

  • A Covid test may be performed by the school if consent has been given by the parent/guardian

  • If the onsite test is positive, the cohort contacts of the infected student will also be immediately placed in quarantine while awaiting guidance from the Local Public Health Authority. Families will be contacted of the situation and pick up their students for home quarantine at this point. The school will supply N95 masks to the students and staff in direct contact with them.

  • An administrator will be in contact with the Local Public Health Authority and communicate appropriately to members of the GIS community. The school will use classroom logs and schedules to help identify additional students and personnel in close contact with the student.

  • The school, with guidance by the Local Public health Authority, will identify areas for increased cleaning and sanitation protocols.

  • If the onsite test is not positive, the student will be sent home for further monitoring and follow the school exclusion criteria current.

Based on Oregon Department of Education (ODE) & Oregon Health Authority (OHA): Safety Procedures and Guidance for Child Care Facilities and Other Early Learning Programs Operating During COVID-19

Recording Keeping

  • GIS must have parent completed Emergency Forms for each child on file

  • Designated Staff will complete GIS Daily Attendance Screening Log

  • Child’s time in/out and record the adult conducting drop off/pick up

  • Complete GIS Classroom Entry/Exit Log daily

  • To record all staff who interact with stable groups

Conduct a Daily Health Check

  • Staff and families will attest that they conduct a personal daily health check at home including taking temperature and visually checking for signs of illness

Exclude Symptomatic Child Attendees and Staff

  • Staff and children who have recently had an illness with fever or cough should stay home 10 days after onset of symptoms and 24 hours after resolution of both fever and cough.

  • If a child or staff member develops a cough, fever, or shortness of breath, isolate them away from others immediately, supervise the child while maintaining social distancing, and send them home as soon as possible.

Exclude Children and Staff who have had contact with people exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19

  • Staff and children who have been exposed to someone who has had a presumptive case of COVID-19 (closer than 3 ft for more than 15 cumulative minutes), need to be quarantined for a minimum of 14 days after their last date of exposure to a known case.

  • Staff and children who have a family member at home with symptoms of COVID-19 who has not been tested need to be monitored for symptoms carefully. The ill family or household member should be strongly encouraged to seek testing.

Confirmed Cases of COVID-19

  • If anyone who has entered our school is diagnosed with COVID-19, they should report to and consult with the local public health authority regarding cleaning and points of contact while on campus.

    • Washington County Department of Health and Human Services

        1. Administration Office: 503-846-4402;

        2. Communicable Disease and Animal Bite Reporting: 503-846-3594;

        3. Washington County Health Care Resource Line: 503-846-8851

    • GIS will communicate, in coordination with local public health, with all families and other individuals if further action is needed