sfx by giraffe

[Sound Artists from Canton de Jarville-la-Malgrange in France]

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What are the characteristics?

UI, characters, funny cartoons, equipment, and fighting sound effects are all directions that I am very good at. They are very much needed for casual games, so I devote as much time as possible to them. Whether it's a complex interlaced sound effect or a simple swing of a stick, I can do it with ease.

What games have I served?

Records and Sound Effects Log Table

May 10, 2020: Started using a soundtrack creation software for games. Initial plans include a variety of musical styles and sound banks.

March 20, 2021: Completed the learning of the soundtrack software, which supports multi-track recording and editing, with more than 20 built-in sound banks and more than 200 preset sound effects. The test results show that the ease of use and music quality of the software have reached the expected goals.

September 5, 2021: More than 10 new sound banks and more than 100 preset sound effects have been added to meet the needs of more music styles. In addition, some commonly used audio processing special effects, such as delay and chorus, have been added.

February 15, 2022: Started using an audio processing software for speech synthesis aimed at improving the quality and naturalness of speech synthesis.

October 10, 2022: The speech synthesis audio processing software is very easy to use, supports multiple languages and voice styles, and has basic audio correction and post-processing functions. The test results show that the effect and ease of use of the software have reached the expected goals.

January 20, 2023: Added some advanced speech synthesis algorithms and audio effects, such as noise cancellation and sound gain. The test results show that the quality and naturalness of the speech synthesis of the software have been significantly improved.

February 5, 2023: Start using an audio processing plug-in for video production, aiming to provide a more complete video production experience.

March 10, 2023: The first version of the audio processing plug-in has been completed, supporting multiple audio formats and effects, such as music fades and surround sound effects. The test results show that the ease of use and compatibility of the plug-in have reached the expected goals.

March 20, 2023: Added some advanced audio processing effects, such as timbre correction and pitch adjustment. In addition, some commonly used special effects for video production are added, such as slow motion and transitions.

April 5, 2023: Start using a 3D audio engine, and initially plan to use it in a variety of virtual reality devices and scenes to improve the level of sound quality.

Audio Assets

Hurricane Skills Short Audio

Support engines UE5, Unity, Original.

Fire attack sound effect

Support engines UE5, Unity, Original.

Audio Assets

Hurricane Skills Short Audio

Support engines UE5, Unity, Original.

Fire attack sound effect

Support engines UE5, Unity, Original.