Giovanni Colla Rizzi


I am a PhD candidate at Toulouse School of Economics. I do research in industrial organisation, focusing on data economics and market imperfection. 

In my theoretical work I use statistical decision theory to quantify the value of data in prediction problems and I document a complementarity between number of users and depth of user data which drives increasing returns in targeted-ad markets. I identify when micro-level statistical phenomena imply data markets are a natural monopoly. 

In my applied work with Friedrich Lucke and Giovanni Morzenti, we document that the reduction of macroeconomic volatility during the Great Moderation explains one-third of the rise in markups since the 1980s. We argue that the decrease in volatility altered micro-level incentives to sustain tacit collusion, thereby increasing the market power of firms. This suggests competition and macroeconomic policy need to be closely linked to avoid pursuing conflicting goals.


A Theory of the Value of Data
Microfounding S-shaped Returns

The Price of Stability.pdf

The Price of Stability
Volatility and the Rise in Markups during the Great Moderation
(joint with F. Lucke & G. Morzenti)

Fields of Research:

Industrial Organisation

Statistical Decision Theory


Competition Policy & Regulation


Toulouse School of Economics

1, Esplanade de l'Université

31080 Toulouse Cedex 06

Office: T.669

