This is a great QoL improvement they could make (and continually do make) for players. I imagine you (if you were around) spoke negatively about any ideas regarding something like an MTU being put in the game prior to their introduction.

I really want to improve my game, and playing online, or against an engine, seems to be the best way to do so because of the convenience, and the speed, of finding people (or machines) to play against. The problem is, I literally can't focus. I constantly make blunders, inaccuracies, and straight up just can't concentrate hard enough to avoid them. I have no problem with this when playing against others on physical boards. I could play physically for hours, if I had the time, and opportunities, to do so.

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Has anyone experienced this? If so, do you have any advice for learning how to focus more when playing online? If not, do you have any suggestions for alternative ways to play/improve without playing digitally?

After my last draft my RT is being focused on, which is fine, but there's no drills so it always whines at me that not all Focus Players have finished their drills before I start training, is there a way around this?

I use keyboard shortcuts for almost everything: moving between tabs, windows etc. YouTube has many shortcuts for play/pause, next, mute, etc. but those only apply when you have the focus on the video.

Not a perfect solution, but the full screen shortcut (f) still works when the video is not in focus. Once you have made the video full screen, it is in focus and you can use the other shortcuts as normal.

It is entirely possible that a player will have a season grade higher than any individual single-game grade he achieved because playing well for an extended period of time is harder to do than for a short period.

The grades allow for easy player comparisons, whether using an overall grade or a facet grade. While we believe the grade is an excellent baseline for how well a player performed his given role, we also believe the using the entire context is crucial when evaluating players. Perhaps a slot receiver had to play more than expected on the outside or a nose tackle was forced to play more three-technique than his coaching staff initially desired. Both players are being evaluated based on what they did, and that context is important when using the grades. PFF+ allows users to sort by player grades, but they can also see the simple and advanced stats that tell the story for each player.

Beasley sacked the quarterback 16 times, but eight of those sixteen were either unblocked or clean-up sacks that owed more to somebody else flushing the quarterback towards where Beasley was than they did to him beating a blocker to make the play. PFF grading takes into account the quality of the play made to get the sack, and excellent plays to defeat blocks will be graded higher than sacks where the quarterback just happened to be flushed past a player as he was being blocked only to get taken down.

When we used our analytics to run numbers to find out just how valuable pressure was compared to sacks, our Expected Points Added data showed that a sack is worth around 2.1 pressures of any other kind. So, a player like Mack would only need to have had an extra 11 hits or hurries to have added more value as a pass-rusher than Beasley despite having five fewer sacks over the season. Mack, in reality, had 40 more pressures, and so had a significantly higher PFF grade than Beasley.

Our patented technology creates soundscapes that adapt in real-time. It reacts to inputs like time of day, weather, heart rate, and location. Neuroscience shows Endel consistently improves focus and lowers stress.

You only have to look at Grand Theft Auto Online, which has remained a priority for Rockstar since it launched back in 2013. The multiplayer game continues to bring in ridiculous money, and has long been the studio's focus with a steady stream of updates and new content - all seemingly at the expense of any new single-player GTA action.

But as it turns out, we probably don't have to worry. During a recent company earnings call, Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick assured investors that it still believes in the power of single-player games, and knows this is what Rockstar is known and loved for.

"There was a time when a couple of our competitors were taking a position that single player was dead. We never took that position. We know that there's a role for single player," Zelnick said. "I believe there will be a role going forward."

He added: "Then there are certain games that are meant to be only multiplayer experiences. Rockstar is known for storytelling. And yes, Rockstar's also known for these fantastic open-world experiences. They clearly do both really well."

Hi everyone, I've been trying to fix an issue that a lot of people have been having in I.E when using an iframe to embed the Storyline player. Internet explorer jumps to the embedded player so any content above the iframe/storyline piece will be missed by the user unless the scroll up.

Hi there,

We've implemented this fix before. However it unfortunately doesn't work if you have any objects on the slide that acquire focus in themselves (such as text entry fields). These appear to override the code in the JS file and cause the page to still jump down.

Lisa Forbes, PhD, is an assistant clinical professor in the counseling program at the University of Colorado Denver. Lisa is a licensed professional counselor and is currently training to become a registered play therapist. Her research focuses on motherhood and mental health (#themotheringproject), and also incorporating fun, play, and games in teaching and learning for higher education.

The :focus-visible pseudo-class applies while an element matches the :focus pseudo-class and the UA (User Agent) determines via heuristics that the focus should be made evident on the element. (Many browsers show a "focus ring" by default in this case.)

Originally, user-agent CSS set focus styles based only on the :focus pseudo-class, styling most focused elements with a focus ring outline. This meant all elements, including all links and buttons, had a focus ring applied when focused, which many found ugly. Because of the appearance, some authors removed the user-agent outline focus styles. Changing focus style can negatively impact usability, while removing focus styles makes keyboard navigation inaccessible for sighted users.

Browsers no longer visibly indicate focus (such as by drawing a "focus ring"), around each element when it has focus. Instead, they use a variety of heuristics to provide focus indicators only when it would be most helpful to the user. For instance, when a button is clicked using a pointing device, the focus is generally not visually indicated, but when a text box needing user input has focus, focus is indicated. While focus styles are always required when users are navigating the page with the keyboard or when focus is managed via scripts, focus styles are not required when the user knows where they are putting focus, such as when they use a pointing device such as a mouse or finger to physically set focus on an element, unless that element continues to need user attention.

The :focus pseudo-class always matches the currently-focused element. The :focus-visible pseudo-class also matches the focused element, but only if the user needs to be informed where the focus currently is. Because the :focus-visible pseudo-class matches the focused element when needed, using the :focus-visible (instead of the :focus pseudo-class) allows authors to change the appearance of the focus indicator without changing when the focus indicator appears.

When the :focus pseudo-class is used, it always targets the currently focused element. This means that when a user employs a pointing device, a visible focus ring appears around the focused element, which some consider obtrusive. The :focus-visible pseudo-class respects user agents' selective focus indication behavior while still allowing focus indicator customization.

If you click each element in turn, you will see that when :focus is used to style the focus ring, the UA draws the focus ring when the user clicks the button. However, when :focus-visible is used to style the focus ring, the UA does not draw the focus ring when the user clicks the button, just like in the default case.

If your code has to work in old browser versions that do not support :focus-visible, check supports of :focus-visible with @supports and repeat the same focus styling in it, but inside a :focus rule. Note that even if you do not specify anything at all for :focus, old browsers will simply display the native outline, which can be enough.

Make sure the visual focus indicator can be seen by people with low vision. This will also benefit anyone use a screen in a brightly lit space (like outside in the sun). WCAG 2.1 SC 1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast requires that the visual focus indicator be at least 3 to 1.

It may not be obvious as to why the focus indicator is appearing and disappearing if a person is using mixed forms of input. For users with cognitive concerns, or who are less technologically literate, this lack of consistent behavior for interactive elements may be confusing.

The :focus-visible pseudo-class applies while an element matches the :focus pseudo-class and the UA (User Agent) determines via heuristics that the focus should be made evident on the element. (Many browsers show a \"focus ring\" by default in this case.) be457b7860

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