Chan began work on the film after a disappointing experience working with James Glickenhaus on The Protector (1985), which was intended to be his entry into the American film market. Police Story contains many large-scale action sequences with elaborate, dangerous stunts performed by Chan and his stunt team, including car chases, Chan hanging off a speeding bus, parkour-like acrobatics, and a shopping mall fight with shattering glass panes, leading up to Chan sliding down a pole with exploding electric lights as he falls to the ground. Much of the film was created surrounding the action sequences, which Chan and the filmmakers developed via linear progression.

Ging chaat goo si III: Chiu kup ging chaat (1992) (movie): A Hong Kong detective teams up with his female Red Chinese counterpart to stop a Chinese drug czar. Discover the latest Discussions, Reviews, Quotes, Theories, Explanations and Analysis of Ging chaat goo si III: Chiu kup ging chaat (1992) below 

Ging Chaat Goo Si
