OpenSSL 1.1.0 and above performs the dependency step for you, so you should not see the message. However, you should perform a make clean to ensure the list of objects files is accurate after a reconfiguration.

Changed Hive TokenStoreDelegationTokenSecretManager in the latest 1.5 and 2.0 images so that it updates the base class's current key ID after generating a new master key. This is important for users of DBTokenStore, which generates key IDs based on a monotonically increasing sequence from the database. Prior to this fix, there was a race condition during master key rollover that could cause it to attempt updating the prior master key using an incorrect ID value. This would fail and then quickly retry, sometimes multiple times, causing too many rows in the database.

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The dataproc:dataproc.performance.metrics.listener.enabled cluster property, which is enabled by default, listens on port 8791 on all master nodes to extract performance-related telemetry Spark metrics. The metrics are published to the Dataproc service for it to use to set better defaults and improve the service. To opt-out of this feature, set dataproc:dataproc.performance.metrics.listener.enabled=false when creating a Dataproc cluster.

Users can now help assure the successful creation of a cluster by automatically deleting any failed primary workers (the master(s) and at least two primary workers must be successfully provisioned for cluster creation to succeed). To delete any failed primary workers when you create a cluster:

For 2.0+ image clusters, the dataproc:dataproc.master.custom.init.actions.mode cluster property can be set to RUN_AFTER_SERVICES to run initialization actions on the master after HDFS and any services that depend on HDFS are initialized. Examples of HDFS-dependent services include: HBase, Hive Server2, Ranger, Solr, and the Spark and MapReduce history servers. Default: RUN_BEFORE_SERVICES.

Fixed bug affecting cluster scale-down: If Dataproc was unable to verify whether a master node exists, for example when hitting Compute Engine read quota limits, it would erroneously put the cluster into an ERROR state.

Fixed a bug in HBASE optional component on HA clusters in which hbase.rootdir was always configured to be hdfs://${CLUSTER_NAME}-m-0:8020/hbase, which assumes that master 0 is the active namenode. Now it is configured to be hdfs://${CLUSTER_NAME}:8020/hbase, so that the active master is always chosen.

Allow creation of Dataproc master and worker VMs with Intel Optane DC Persistent memory using and properties. Note: Optane VMs can only be created in zones with only n1-highmem-96-aep machine type (such as us-central1-f).

Why nineteen when there are clearly only eighteen in the above photo? There needs to be a control node (call it master or controlplane). This is the node that orchestrates the building of the cluster.

On to provisioning! These steps are fairly intelligent at being atomic and repeatable without causing issues. In provisioning the cluster in the picture (above), some of the steps had to be repeated because of lost ssh connections and other mysterious errors. Let's first see if we have our basic configuration in working order. The following assumes you are in the directory ~/rpi-k8s-ansible on your master node. be457b7860

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