Perhaps not obvious from the title, this book is designed to guide the reader through the process of finding, reading, and critically evaluating published nursing research, and to consider the practical use to which research findings may be put. The reader is led systematically through the stages of finding published studies (with reference to widely available databases), reviewing them in relation to their ethical implications and theoretical bases, scrutinising their design, sampling, data collection and analysis methods, and evaluating the quality of the data generated. Guidelines for producing a written critique of published studies are provided. The book ends with a focus on using research evidence, referring to key models for evidence-based nursing practice. While barriers to research utilisation are discussed, a greater emphasis on this topic might have been expected, given the inclusion of research utilisation within the book's title.

To advance nursing science, enhance practice for future nurses, and improve patient outcomes, it is critical to teach nursing students not only the value of evidence-based knowledge, but also how to access this knowledge, appraise it, and apply it correctly as needed.

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There is consistent evidence showing that while undergraduate nursing students hold positive beliefs about EBP and its value in patient care, they also report many challenges regarding its actual implementation in clinical practice. For instance, a mixed-methods study indicated that 118 American undergraduate nursing students found it difficult to distinguish between EBP and research. Students were able to search for evidence, but were less able to integrate evidence to plan EBP changes or disseminate best practices [13]. Additionally, a correlational study was conducted in Jordan using a sample of 612 senior nursing students. The study reported that students held positive attitudes towards research and 75% of them agreed on using nursing research in clinical practice. Students strongly believed in the usefulness of research. However, they did not believe strongly in their ability to conduct research [14]. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 188 Saudi undergraduate nursing students. Students reported positive beliefs about EBP; however, they reported a low mean score in EBP implementation (22.57 out of 72). Several significant factors have been reported as influencing EBP implementation, such as age, gender, awareness, and training on EBP [15]. A comparative survey comprised of 1383 nursing students from India, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, and Oman. The study reported that having no authority in changing patient care policies, the slow publication of evidence, and the lack of time in the clinical area to implement the evidence were major barriers in implementing EBP according to the participating students [16].

A cross-sectional, correlational research survey design was used to meet the study aims. Recruitment of study participants was undertaken at two governmental universities in the northern part of Jordan. The two universities offer a four-year undergraduate nursing program aimed at graduating competent general nurses with baccalaureate degrees. The nursing research course is included as a compulsory course in the undergraduate nursing curricula in both universities.

The target population of this study was the undergraduate nursing students in Jordan. The accessible population was undergraduate nursing students who are currently enrolled in the four-year BSN program in two governmental universities in the northern region of Jordan. We calculated the sample size using the G*Power software (2014). Using a conventional power estimate of 0.8, with alpha set at 0.05, and medium effect size, it was estimated that for a Pearson Correlation test, a total of 100 participants would need to be recruited to examine the relationship between the beliefs and implementations of EBP. To counteract anticipated non-response and to enhance the power of the study, 300 students were approached. The inclusion criteria of the study participants were as follows: a) senior nursing students who are in the 3rdor 4th-year level, b) students who are currently taking a clinical course with training in a clinical setting/hospital, c) and students who have successfully passed the nursing research course.

The results of the current study revealed that despite the positive beliefs of the nursing students, their implementation of EBP was very low. There was no significant relationship between the total score of EBP belief and the total score of EBP implementation. Our results are consistent with those reported among Saudi as well as American nursing students who also had positive beliefs about EBP but implemented it less frequently in their everyday clinical practice [13, 15]. Moreover, in line with previous studies which showed that training on EBP was one of the significant predictors of beliefs and implementation [15], students who previously received EBP training had significantly higher total belief and implementation scores than those who did not, in this study. This finding is expected as EBP training has been shown to improve knowledge, self-efficacy in implementation, and by extension, implementation practices among nurses and nursing students [20,21,22]. On the other hand, in this study, we asked students whether they have received training on EBP during the nursing research course taught at their universities. More than one-third of participating students in our study cited that they had not received previous training on EBP even though all of them have successfully passed the nursing research course offered at their universities. One possible explanation for this finding could be that there is an inconsistency in the way the nursing research course is taught. It seems that EBP practice is not always included in the content taught in this course. Thus, nursing schools in Jordan have to revise their curricula to ensure that EBP is included and is taught to all students before graduation.

Evidence-based practice is essential for nursing students worldwide. However, having strong beliefs about EBP and its benefits does not necessarily mean that it is frequently implemented. On the other hand, providing training courses on EBP is an essential step in the enhancement of EBP implementation. This means that in order to advance nursing science and enhance nursing care for future nurses, it is vital to incorporate EBP within the nursing curricula. It is also critical to teach nursing students the value of evidence-based knowledge as well as how to access this knowledge, appraise it, and apply it correctly as needed. This can be achieved through rigorous cooperation between nursing administrators, clinicians, teachers, and students to enhance the implementation process.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) in health care has become imperative for patient safety. EBP involves a conscious use and application of various knowledge sources, including the use of published research in conjunction with clinical expertise and patient values and preferences [1]. The process of EBP includes that health-care personnel formulate structured queries, and then conduct searches of databases from which they acquire trustworthy and reliable evidence. Further, they must then critically appraise the research for its reliability, validity and applicability to a clinical context [2, 3].

There is a dearth of literature regarding the effect of teaching and learning strategies on implementing EBP in nursing education [10, 13, 23, 24] and it is currently unclear whether implementation of EBP training leads to improved nursing practice [13].

We conducted literature searches using Medline, Embase, CINAHL, Academic Search Premier and ERIC. The PICo framework for qualitative research was used to develop the review questions, plan the search and define the inclusion criteria. The population or participants assessed were nursing students, nursing education and nursing programmes. The phenomenon of interest was teaching and the specific context was EBP education. These concepts were transformed into the actual subject headings and text used in the search strategy in Medline (Table 1), which represents how the concepts were truncated and combined using Boolean and proximity operators in all database searches. The search criteria included qualitative studies published in English from 2006 through 2017. This range was chosen based on an initial search in PubMed PubReMiner indicating that most research on EBP training in nursing education was published since 2006, when EBP gained a foothold in nursing education. We examined the references cited in the retrieved studies, as well as studies in Google Scholar that cited the retrieved studies.

The inclusion criteria were: 1) original, qualitative research focused on EBP teaching strategies in undergraduate nursing education, i.e., we focused on qualitative research to gain a deeper insight into teacher and student experiences with these strategies; 2) peer-reviewed, original research; 3) studies on educators, student participation, or both; and 4) studies evaluated as moderate or high quality according to the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP) [25]. The exclusion criteria were: reviews, quantitative studies, theoretical studies and contributions that were not original research articles. Articles related to teaching strategies directed at health-care personnel, master programmes or postgraduate nursing education were also excluded.

Mattila and Eriksson [32] outlined a learning assignment conducted during a six-week clinical practice period in which students chose topics aimed at utilising research and enhancing their competence in the clinical practice context. The clinical instructor approved a selected research article that was applicable to clinical practice and the nursing students orally presented their findings to fellow students and staff at their clinical practice placement. 589ccfa754

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