Copyright all project(2016-2023)

Daniel C (Dev)

Change log of Gilbert and the doors V2.2.5

1: Optimized source code.

Change log of Gilbert and the doors V2.2.4

1: Back to .wav file for music (Best cross-platform compatibility)

2: repack windows executable with ReactOS(open source OS)  and (Geany + MinGW + SDL1.2).

Change log of Gilbert and the doors V2.2.3

1: Fixed a bug with save game after restarting the game.

2: Add my avatar to the first loading screen.

Change log of Gilbert and the doors V2.2

1: Add: Save/Load/resume game function.

2:  Add Bin for Linux32

3:  repaint intro picture for add V2.2

Change log of Gilbert and the doors V2.0

1: Fix Music loading crash app on ubuntu 16.10 and upper.

2: Compress Music.wav to Music.mp3 (to shrink archive)

3: Add -:- -/- -@- to character fonts!

4: delete useless function in the code!

5: repaint intro picture for add V2.0

6: adjust sampling frequency (44100) previously (22050) for optimal quality!

7: Good news! All Sprites and Levels is unlocked for easy modifications.