
File Name: Skreech

Birthplace: Mt. Kavernous, Dimension X

Current Assignment: Scout

Skreech is of the Dactyls race that are one of the few native species of Dimension X. They usually stay to themselves in the caves and their piercing cries can be heard throughout the mine shafts that the prisoners dig. Their shrill voices have done more to break prisoners than the physical labor of mining. Skreech sought a different life and when the Earthlings escaped, Skreech followed them from above. As the guards opened fire with their blasters, Skreech dove in from the night sky with an ear shattering scream and the cannon on his back firing back at the watchmen. With the threat neutralized, Spaceshot knew that their escape was saved by the flying creature. Skreech landed and demanded to go with this band of misfits. Spaceshot nodded and they all boarded the transport ship.

Figure Description

Head: Chap Mei Pterodactyl

Torso: Spirit

Arms: Spirit and Chap Mei

Waist: Spytroops Destro

Legs: Spytroops Recondo, Nunchuk, and Chap Mei Pterodactyl

Construction Notes

The little static Chap Mei figure was cool and I had wanted to make this guy in to one of Mindbender's mutations. That idea changed when I was in the middle of this Lunartics project. The head is mounted using a modified shoulder ball so he gets full 90 degree movement when in flight. I added the back mount weapon to save myself from shaving the torso straps and I wanted him to have a weapon but due to the Chap Mei hands he couldn't hold anything. It's made from a BAT backpack and random joe laser gun with the scope and handles trimmed off.