Gift Card Suggest Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Gift Card Suggest

Information from website browsers

If you simply browse the website, we collect the same basic information as most websites. We use simple Internet technologies like cookies and web server logs. We collect them from everyone, whether they have an account or not

The information we collect from all visitors to our website includes the visitor's browser type, language preferences, reference sites, additional websites requested, and the date and time of each visitor's request. . We also collect possible credentials, such as Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.

Why are we collecting this?

We collect this information to help visitors of our website use Gift Card Suggest as well as monitor and protect the security of the website.

User Information with Accounts

If you are creating an account, we need basic information when creating an account. You will create your username and password and we will ask for a valid email account. We also have the option to provide more information, including "user personal information" if you wish.

"User Personal Information" is information about our users that alone or other information, which personally identifies them or information such as username and password, an email address, a real name and an image are examples of "User Personal Information".

User Personal Information does not include aggregated, non-personal information. We may use aggregated, non-personal information to absorb, improve and adapt our websites and services.