OUAG 2017 Vendors

MG Contact indicates the person who either contacted the business or is going to contact the business

Contacting for indicates what the business is being contacted about -- a door prize or vendor booth

Confirmed means that we a verbal confirmation

Booth Papers means that we have a signed confirmation for a vendor booth. We do not ask for signed papers for door prizes.

To see door prize list, go here.

Hopefully, you can read the spreadsheet below. If you cannot see all of the spreadsheet, you can use the bars to scroll down and sideways like a regular spreadsheet. Also, you can download the spreadsheet. There is a link at the bottom of this page. This page is only available to people to whom I send the URL or weblink. It is not connected to our regular website.

A PDF of the facility plan is at the bottom of the page.

OUAG Business 2017