The person is reminiscing of the days they've had with their love. The person has high hopes that perhaps they are able to return back to the days, but it's not possible. Those days are only memories now. The world still moves on, and time still flies. Beautiful memories are often made, but are gone within a brief moment. The person is wishing for that feeling and memory to come back, but it was only yesterday... and no matter how sad or nostalgic the person may be feeling now, the world still spins... and the hopes are only an illusion.

I think this song is about someone trying to fight depression and be positive, they are saying to themselves they need to keep trying and imprint in their brains that they have 'high hopes' in order to cope. The sentence 'the world keeps spinning' is repeated to show that life goes on and that nothing really matters so they must face their problems. They blame themselves for how they feel

Kodaline The High Hopes Ep Zip

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@kodaline 1996 thanks for saying so.

I shared that when I was at the beginning of the end of finding my way back from one of the most difficult life journeys. The best part was discovering my authentic self was always with me. Blessings are always forever ~

I dont believe that this song is about letting go after a break up or so, i believe it is about taking a chance on your love by breaking up when things reach an unfixable point. Sometimes you need to end a relationship to be able to start it over clean, crazy and silly as it sounds, sometimes letting go is the only hope for a relationship to workout again without all the stuff that is piled up and screwing it. That song means alot to me, it kind of speaks to me. My boyfriend and I are so in love yet we got to a point where we cant be okay nor happy together, we are so unhappy in the relationship but we just cant not be to together cz we know well enough that we would be even more unhappy. But it kept getting worse by the day and i knew that he loves me so much but he is bored and tired of "commitment" .since he's always been the kind of guy who likes to mess around. Then came this day where i gathered all my courage and said what we both did not want to say nor hear; i told him we should break up and that he should get back to the messing around! We agreed and ended it on good terms. After our last day together, i left and just broke down; i was soo scared because i had no clue how it will be or feel, cz i knew i took a very big risk, it was by far the bravest thing i ever did. But i knew damn well that it was the only right thing to do at this point. I had no clue what will come next but whatever it was i had "high hopes" when i "let it go, go out and start again." One month later he surprised me where i was and started trying to fix things cz he realised It was us that he wants and not the messing around, now we're back together. This is what the song is about; it's about letting go despite all your fears and love, it 's about doing the right thing no matter how hard it is, and BELIEVING! The world wont ever stop, and everyday you will wake up and face facts, your memories, your fears, your pain, your frustrations with HOPE and BELIEF, and it's hope and belief that keep you from losing all the good in you by becoming bitter about love and life. I believe that "now evil is just staring at the barrel of the gun" is a representation of that emotion we all go through when it gets tooo dark, and you're too sad and frustrated that you almost lose yourself to your dark side.

But I've got high hopes

It takes me back to when we started

High hopes

When you let it go, go out and start again

High hopes

When it all comes to an end

But the world keeps spinning around

The song "High Hopes" by Kodaline is reflective of the idea of resilience and hope; no matter how hard life gets, one can always pick themselves up and start again. The narrator in the song finds solace in his memories of the past and even though he reflects on mistakes and regrets, he embraces them and allows them to empower him as he moves forward. The chorus serves as a reminder that no matter what, the world (and life) keeps spinning, and to have high hopes. The song serves as a reminder that no matter what happens, hope will lead you through and you can achieve success no matter how hard it might seem. be457b7860

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