The content on Microsoft Docs was organised into groups based on product or technology and steps of working with it: evaluating, getting started, planning, deploying, managing, and troubleshooting, and the navigation panel and product/service pages showed material breakdowns. The service allowed users to download specific docs sections as PDF files for offline use and included an estimated reading time for each article.

Using a Node.js version manager such as nvm-windows can be very helpful if you are doing Node.js development and need to test against different versions. Keep in mind that you will need to reinstall global packages and may need to re-install local packages when when you switch the version of Node you are using.

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Many Node.js modules used by Node-RED or installed nodes have binary components that will need compiling before they will work on Windows. To enable npm to compile binaries on the Windows platform, install the windows-build-tools module using the command prompt as an Administrator:

The file structure for the java.applet package follows, assuming that the destination directory is named apidocs. All files that contain the word frame appear in the upper-left or lower-left frames, as noted. All other HTML files appear in the right-hand frame.

In this example, there are two packages with documents that are generated in different runs of the javadoc command, and those documents are separated by a relative path. The packages are com.apipackage, an API, and com.spipackage, an Service Provide Interface (SPI). You want the documentation to reside in docs/api/com/apipackage and docs/spi/com/spipackage. Assuming that the API package documentation is already generated, and that docs is the current directory, you document the SPI package with links to the API documentation by running: javadoc -d ./spi -link ../api com.spipackage.

When requested, a windows.Window contains an array of tabs.Tab objects. You mustdeclare the "tabs" permission in your manifest if you need access to the url,pendingUrl, title, or favIconUrl properties of tabs.Tab. For example:

For example, say an extension creates a few tabs or windows from a single HTML file, and that theHTML file contains a call to tabs.query(). The current window is the window that contains thepage that made the call, no matter what the topmost window is.

If true, the windows.Window object has a tabs property that contains a list of the tabs.Tab objects. The Tab objects only contain the url, pendingUrl, title, and favIconUrl properties if the extension's manifest file includes the "tabs" permission.

The ID of the window. Window IDs are unique within a browser session. In some circumstances a window may not be assigned an ID property; for example, when querying windows using the sessions API, in which case a session ID may be present.

The offset of the window from the left edge of the screen in pixels. In some circumstances a window may not be assigned a left property; for example, when querying closed windows from the sessions API.

Fired when the currently focused window changes. Returns if all Chrome windows have lost focus. Note: On some Linux window managers, WINDOW_ID_NONE is always sent immediately preceding a switch from one Chrome window to another.

BOSH job logs, such as rep_windows and consul_agent_windows. These logs stream to the syslog server configured in the System Logging pane of the PAS tile, along with other Pivotal Platform component logs. The names of these BOSH job logs correspond to the names of the logs emitted by Linux Diego Cells.

I know that I can search inside office docs. However, when I type a word I know it's inside an office doc I can't see where Evernote found the match (see the note with the power point file); instead, I get the file highlighted. I suppose Evernote is saying: "I found your keyword here". I saw this feature on Mac in this great tutorial (minute 12:30): =0WAabg7ZsQI

If you don't need the file saved as a PP, you can save the PP as a PDF, and attach the PDF. Unlike MS Office docs, PDFs can be displayed inline. With PDFs, matching search results will be highlighted.

I am loving having the ability to use docs in a pageless format to maximize screen space. However, I have noticed that when a comment is tagged on a document, it creates a window to the right-hand side of the screen that takes up quite a bit of real estate-- Does anyone know if there is a way to toggle this window to minimize it? If not, that would be a feature that would significantly improve user experience as it seems silly to have to clear all comments on my docs to get this real estate back.

In a nutshell, a window is created as soon as the first element that should belong to this window arrives, and thewindow is completely removed when the time (event or processing time) passes its end timestamp plus the user-specifiedallowed lateness (see Allowed Lateness). Flink guarantees removal only for time-basedwindows and not for other types, e.g. global windows (see Window Assigners). For example, with anevent-time-based windowing strategy that creates non-overlapping (or tumbling) windows every 5 minutes and has an allowedlateness of 1 min, Flink will create a new window for the interval between 12:00 and 12:05 when the first element witha timestamp that falls into this interval arrives, and it will remove it when the watermark passes the 12:06timestamp.

After specifying whether your stream is keyed or not, the next step is to define a window assigner.The window assigner defines how elements are assigned to windows. This is done by specifying the WindowAssignerof your choice in the window(...) (for keyed streams) or the windowAll() (for non-keyed streams) call.

A WindowAssigner is responsible for assigning each incoming element to one or more windows. Flink comeswith pre-defined window assigners for the most common use cases, namely tumbling windows,sliding windows, session windows and global windows. You can also implement a custom window assigner byextending the WindowAssigner class. All built-in window assigners (except the globalwindows) assign elements to windows based on time, which can either be processing time or eventtime. Please take a look at our section on event time to learnabout the difference between processing time and event time and how timestamps and watermarks are generated.

Time-based windows have a start timestamp (inclusive) and an end timestamp (exclusive)that together describe the size of the window. In code, Flink uses TimeWindow when working withtime-based windows which has methods for querying the start- and end-timestamp and also anadditional method maxTimestamp() that returns the largest allowed timestamp for a given windows.

A tumbling windows assigner assigns each element to a window of a specified window size.Tumbling windows have a fixed size and do not overlap. For example, if you specify a tumblingwindow with a size of 5 minutes, the current window will be evaluated and a new window will bestarted every five minutes as illustrated by the following figure.

The sliding windows assigner assigns elements to windows of fixed length. Similar to a tumblingwindows assigner, the size of the windows is configured by the window size parameter.An additional window slide parameter controls how frequently a sliding window is started. Hence,sliding windows can be overlapping if the slide is smaller than the window size. In this case elementsare assigned to multiple windows.

For example, you could have windows of size 10 minutes that slides by 5 minutes. With this you get every5 minutes a window that contains the events that arrived during the last 10 minutes as depicted by thefollowing figure.

The session windows assigner groups elements by sessions of activity. Session windows do not overlap anddo not have a fixed start and end time, in contrast to tumbling windows and sliding windows. Instead asession window closes when it does not receive elements for a certain period of time, i.e., when a gap ofinactivity occurred. A session window assigner can be configured with either a static session gap or with asession gap extractor function which defines how long the period of inactivity is. When this period expires,the current session closes and subsequent elements are assigned to a new session window.

A global windows assigner assigns all elements with the same key to the same single global window.This windowing scheme is only useful if you also specify a custom trigger. Otherwise,no computation will be performed, as the global window does not have a natural end atwhich we could process the aggregated elements.

After defining the window assigner, we need to specify the computation that we wantto perform on each of these windows. This is the responsibility of the window function, which is used to process theelements of each (possibly keyed) window once the system determines that a window is ready for processing(see triggers for how Flink determines when a window is ready).

A ProcessWindowFunction can be combined with either a ReduceFunction, or an AggregateFunction toincrementally aggregate elements as they arrive in the window.When the window is closed, the ProcessWindowFunction will be provided with the aggregated result.This allows it to incrementally compute windows while having access to theadditional window meta information of the ProcessWindowFunction.

In order to make this work, Flink keeps the state of windows until their allowed lateness expires. Once this happens, Flink removes the window and deletes its state, asalso described in the Window Lifecycle section.

The result of a windowed operation is again a DataStream, no information about the windowedoperations is retained in the result elements so if you want to keep meta-information about thewindow you have to manually encode that information in the result elements in yourProcessWindowFunction. The only relevant information that is set on the result elements is theelement timestamp. This is set to the maximum allowed timestamp of the processed window, whichis end timestamp - 1, since the window-end timestamp is exclusive. Note that this is true for bothevent-time windows and processing-time windows. i.e. after a windowed operations elements alwayshave a timestamp, but this can be an event-time timestamp or a processing-time timestamp. Forprocessing-time windows this has no special implications but for event-time windows this togetherwith how watermarks interact with windows enablesconsecutive windowed operations with the same window sizes. Wewill cover this after taking a look how watermarks interact with windows. ff782bc1db

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