Ensure learning and belonging for all
Creating an environment where competitive greatness is achieved and the best version of ourselves is discovered through the cooperation of student-athletes, parents, coaches and school administration.
Win the moment
Informational Meeting for all interested in boys soccer Fall 2025: May 2nd 6:30 pm in RM 149 (PE classroom located down athletic hallway between locker rooms, east hall behind large gym)
- Optional Pre-season Aug 4-7th (morning and afternoon sessions)
- Mandatory Tryouts will be Aug 11 & 12th
- Team selections Aug 13th- emailed teams
- Optional Meeting with Coach on Team Placements 3:30-6:30 pm Aug 14th
- 1st Day of Mandatory Training all levels Aug 15th
- Mandatory parent/player meeting Aug 15th (Time TBD)
Incoming Freshman please make sure you fill out the link below so you can be added to our communication channels.
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeumrpU_em9fPbsf85gJHH3ZERaLQWt7fvqD74867UqMbEpSQ/viewform?usp=sf_linkFutsal Dates (30 spots) offered during Demon Academy- (please have shorts and runners/futsal shoes)
-will not be allowed to play in jeans or with no training gear
-open to all players interested in the program 9-12th grade attending GHS
1/23, 1/30, 2/20, 3/6, 3/13, 4/10
Alumni Game 2024 (Boys & Girls Program)
Congratulations.... Jordan Obernesser
*on your recent signing with Colorado Rapids United!
*Jordan has also made the amputee National Team.
We are beyond proud of you!
Online tickets
Through Jeffco Athletics: https://jeffco.hometownticketing.com/embed/all
Through Golden Athletics: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NeqZAKs5wvLY0xoEa13Y_-PAOzYgDjiW/edit
Note that students can also purchase a year-long pass for all events - included in their student fees.
Events Calendar for School Games
Click the link below to set up notifications for boys soccer (can do all levels or just desired level)
Give All Season Long
King Soopers Card - Go online or use the King Soopers app. Under "Rewards," choose "Community Rewards," search for and select "Golden HS Boys Soccer Booster Club." The Booster Club receives $5 for every $100 you spend.
Family Donations - Please donate today, whatever level (or not) you family is able and willing to contribute. This is our largest fundraiser, and any amount is appreciated. Check to see if your company matches – everything is tax deductible. Make your check out to “GHS Boys Soccer Booster Club”, Cash, Zelle using soccerghstreasurer@yahoo.com. Help us maintain the historical level of support for players and coaches.