
Defense/ Exploration/ Diplomacy/ Force Projection 

If you want to be an ace fighter pilot, a Commander of your very own Capital Class ship or lead a rag tag band of explorers to the fringes of space, Fleet is the place for you! 

The Fleet is the foundation of The Ghost Mercs, an organization renowned for housing the absolute best pilots and crews. These individuals are meticulously chosen due to their exceptional skills and unwavering dedication.

Nestled within the Fleet is a division known as Ghosts, the first division established since the organization's inception. The Ghosts members fearlessly undertake daring combat missions, showcasing their extraordinary abilities. These remarkable individuals carry out their missions aboard the prestigious vessel known as the Shadow Ghost, operating within the United Empire of Earth (UEE).

The Fleet of The Ghost Mercs has swiftly and firmly positioned itself as the primary force in combat and security operations within the United Empire of Earth (UEE). Their unrivalled combat skills and unmatched expertise have earned them a reputation that precedes them, and their impeccable track record speaks volumes about their dominance on the battlefield. They continue to make a lasting impact in their field, consistently proving themselves as the go-to choice for all UEE security needs.

Our Ranking System

With a well-defined chain of command and organized divisions, the Ghost Mercs operate at a level of performance that is unmatched, except by their fellow soldiers in the UEC.