I have 4 computer I have downloaded GR on I only downloaded the first GR just to see if it works on 8.1 and windows 10. Turns out it won't run on any of my pcs, 3 are 8.1 and one is 10. This is what it does once I click on the application icon and the auto run play button. Shows the Circle loading for a second and then it goes away and the game does nothing.

The other has an AMD card and will not even launch the game with the latest drivers.

This happened several months ago and I downloaded the oldest drivers AMD had and GR worked normally.

I think they were the Apr 2019 version.

Check my reply to MilitiaMan in this thread

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Another issue is installing GR with a disc version on Win7 and 10. Microsoft did something that messes with the Digital Rights Management on the discs and the game will not launch. The only legal alternative is to buy the Steam version.

I do have newer graphics cards in my computers and from what you guys are saying, maybe they are too new for GR? I ran GR on my older windows 8.1 laptops that had older graphics cards non dedicated graphics cards just vram in the motherboard.

Another issue is installing GR with a disc version on Win7 and 10. Microsoft did something that messes with the Digital Rights Management on the discs and the game will not launch. The only legal alternative is to buy the Steam version.)

And another reason why I switched to 8.1 was because Windows 10 was having a problem with running GR also Windows 7 so I went Windows 8.1 and it worked like 2 years ago. So it sounds like that (digital Rights Management ) thing. Originally I was thinking maybe 8.1 came out with a similar update to cause the same problem.

but I don't want to do the steam version because I like the fact that I can modify the files very easily with the disc version and I can just install it on all of my computer's as many times as I want. I like to play like Five Guys in the same room! What are the steps you guys would do if you were in my position installing Ghost Recon from the desk on 3 windows 8.1 computers and one Windows 10 computer and they all act the same way, install goes good, icon shows up on your desktop, you double-click it, it acts like it's going to try for a second and then just quits. ? and all your hopes to play this fantastic game goes down the drain ?

I should have said starting with Windows 7 the disc version will not work. So it applies to Windows 8 too.

The last time GR installed and worked for me using discs was using Windows XP.

There is a work around but it is considered illegal. The Steam version is the only legal option.

What card you have whether it be a Nvidia or AMD may make a difference.

I know AMDs RX 580 and RX 590 with the latest drivers will not let GR work.

Maybe a older or different type of AMD card does not have this problem.

What video card do you have?

Does anyone here use a disc still? literally two years ago my disc worked on all of my 8.1 machines. Thanks again for replying wombat 50 hope someone can help me solve this problem. I don't think this matters much because I have tried many different machines with and without dedicated graphics cards and they all do the same thing double click on GR, admin pops up, do you want to allow the following Program (lolyloly), and then I click yes, the screen goes black for 2 seconds and then the black goes away, then nothing happens!!! I really don't want to get the steam version. Wombat50 you said (There is a work around but it is considered illegal. The Steam version is the only legal option.) What do I do???

For reasons I don't understand, after my laptop (HP Pavilion with Nvidia graphics card) is rebooted, the first time you launch GR, nothing happens. Go into Task Manager, into the Processes tab, select GhostRecon.exe *32 and click on the End Process button. Then launch Ghost Recon again and it works but takes some time to load (which decreasing load times on subsequent sessions, until the next reboot).

I used to leave the GR CD in the drive, but it used to thrash it (so bypassed that), but after my last vanilla install I launched GR forgetting I still had the Rainbow 6 Vegas disk in the drive, and it still worked (as described above).

Hi everyone. Now that I have time to work on GR because its the weekend I have been trying all your guy's suggestions. Here's a little update. All the ideas you guys gave me didn't work ? so I tried something that none of u guys suggested xD I had my little brother install a fresh windows 8.1 ( thank you 5kurz for telling everyone here that a fresh windows 7 runs GR on the disk and you don't need steam ) that made me really ? GR works on a fresh 8.1 install, as long as I don't let the computer do any windows updates. Now all I have to do Is find what update brakes GR. I'll update you guy's once I find that little piece of junk that caused all this!!!

The prosses was a bit tedious, installing and uninstalling updates to track down which one, but in the end it made it really nice not to have to install a fresh version of windows 8.1 and loose all your stuff on your PC.

If you want to uninstall this update for yourself to fix your old beloved Ghost Recon game this is how you do it: you type into the search (view installed updates) and from there its easy, once you click on that it pops up the list of all the updates Microsoft installed on your pc and you right click on the update KB3086255 and click uninstall, then reset your computer, done! Congratulations, now you can use your disk becouse you just fixed your problem!

-Rocky- xD I thought I was the only one that figured that out. And now your telling me someone else already had it solved long ago! Oh man. Well guess the game works now and thats what was important...

I had this problem - GR takes an eternity to launch, or just hangs and won't launch at all until you kill the process in task manger and launch the executable again. After a lot of research I tracked the problem down to Games Explorer. In a nutshell, Games Explorer looks for info on the game, finds nothing, because it's ancient/no connection etc., and rundll32.exe starts consuming massive amounts of your CPU as it searches in vain. The simplest and quickest solution is to rename the GR executable and then it won't be recognised by Games Explorer. The nuclear option is to kill Games Explorer by going to Windows\SysWOW64 and deleting or renaming gameux.dll (to gameux.bad, or something), and that will stop it screwing up other old games.

Incidentally, I had no problem installing GR on Windows 7-64 from the 'Gold Edition' disc, which has both expansions and no DRM (so you don't need the disc in the drive to play, which is handy). No idea if this version is still available, I bought it years ago.

I renamed the .exe and while it still takes some time to load (COD 4, for example, is much faster) it now launches first go. I also found it doesn't need the CD in the drive (having the R6 Vegas disk in the drive wasn't making any difference...). I have other older games so may look at nuking the Games Explorer as well.

I have a '[Thing that should not be spoken of here IAW Forum Rule 3.7].exe' backed up, which must've been for Win 98/XP installs (can't think of/remember any other reason for having it); didn't want my legitimate software thrashing my drive.

Many apologies (especially to whoever had to edit my post). I've [since...] looked for the forum rules, found the FAQ which mentions 'this' (but no link), looked on the Main and Forum pages, and Googled: site:ghostrecon.net forum rules which shows a list of breaches but not the actual list.

And Rule 3.7:

[3.7] Warez : Links to warez sites or discussion of warez is not permitted. Breach of this rule can lead to legal proceedings against this site, and will not be tolerated. Software cracks that remove the "CD/DVD check" are against the Ubi Soft licensing agreement and are included in this rule - which is strictly enforced. Posts containing CD-keys and links to sites of CD-keys will be deleted.

That would make it convenient to not have to use the disk every time. I get 5 or more computers running GR at the same time and haveing to switch the disk to all the computers is super annoying honestly!


I think '[Thing that should not be spoken of here IAW Forum Rule 3.7] is auto generated. I have had it happen to me as well.

Not a big deal generally. 

And Rule 3.7:

[3.7] Warez : Links to warez sites or discussion of warez is not permitted. Breach of this rule can lead to legal proceedings against this site, and will not be tolerated. Software cracks that remove the "CD/DVD check" are against the Ubi Soft licensing agreement and are included in this rule - which is strictly enforced. Posts containing CD-keys and links to sites of CD-keys will be deleted.

Sum of All Fears is still for sale, so it's not abandonware. Plus, abandonware still has copyright protection, so although nobody will sue you for illegal activities, they are still illegal activities. 152ee80cbc

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