Guanghui Huang

I am a visiting assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics at Michigan State University (East Lansing, US), working with Prof. Jianliang Qian since 11/01/ 2017. I worked as postdoctoral research associate for 3 years at Rice University (Houston, US) with Prof. William W. Symes from 11/01/2014. I got my PhD from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, China) in 2014, supervised by Prof. Zhiming Chen.

Address: Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University,

619 Red Cedar Road, East Lansing, MI 48824

Office: Wells Hall, C218


Research Interests

1. Inverse scattering and gravity problems

2. Ultrasonic medical imaging

3. Seismic velocity inversion

4. Phaseless data imaging and inversion


Google scholar


FS2018, MTH 132, Calculus