
Reading Room

The library has two reading rooms i.e. One for teachers and other for students.

Instructions for Use of Reading Rooms:

Reference Service

The reference desk of the library provides library users with direction to library materials, advice on library collections and services, and expertise information from multiple like encyclopaedia, dictionaries, yearbooks, directories etc. Information about available library services & resources. Information about the new initiatives

Book Search (OPAC)

Book search via the online public access catalog, ( OPAC) enables searching the library’s collection of books and other materials. College Library uses e-Granthalaya Integrated Library system for book searching. Users can search for books via the mentioned links.

User Orientation and Awareness

All the newly enrolled students are made aware about the various facilities provided by the College Library every year during Induction/Orientation Programme organized on the very first day of the start of the new academic session. The students are also helped and trained in searching the books in the College Library by the library staff. 

Circulation Service

The service covers issue, return, renewal and reservation of documents to library members at the circulation desk on the second floor. Members are eligible to get books issued for home reading for a specified period of time. 

Photocopying Facility

On-Demand Photocopying service is available in the central library for fair use only. This service is  extended to all members of the library. A member can take photocopies of maximum 10 page of a document per day without any fee. To avail this services the user will have to bring A4 size himself. 

Library 2.0

College provides following Library 2.0 services to its users to help, support and get feedback:

WIFI Facility

The college has leased line internet connectivity along with the wi-Fi network facility. All the departments of the college are being internally connected through intranet. Library provide free Wi-Fi facility for its user.