Every single printed part of my kit has been tight and the holes for square nuts are no exception. These cannot be inserted by hand. On the linear guides I went ahead and didn't use them in one spot. I'm hoping the single screws will hold it long enough I can get the thing up and running to print some new guides with a minor design mod that'll solve the problem.

Square nuts are problematic, but an Exacto knife works to open a hole enough to make a nut fit. Even using a sharp screw driver like a chisel. But I'd not try running the printer with only half of something supported. You're just looking to bend something that can't be fixed.

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Yeah just rebuilt mine for the MK3S upgrade and some of those slots were a PITA. I found using needle nose pliers to hold and push the nuts in worked in most places to get it started. Then I could get it pushed in though some were still tight.

I first noticed the abundant nuts in late September. We were walking out for milk when we discovered that the tree behind a local strip mall was dropping nuts all over the parking lot and adjacent lawn.

Most of the nuts pop out of their husk when they hit the ground (especially when they hit pavement) and the rest of the husks are easy to remove. The color of the nut shell gets darker the longer the nut sits in the husk.

When we tried the nuts, our first impression was that hickories are very oily. When the shelling is done my fingers have an oily coating. The flavor of a hickory nut is very similar to a pecan though the nut meat is much smaller.

Are hickories worth all the work? If you are watching your weight and cannot afford to eat many nuts, hickories in the shell are a satisfying choice. It is difficult to eat more than 6-8: it simply takes too long to shell them.

Hello, my grandmas recipe included tortillas coated in Manteca lining the bottom of the casuela or cazo. Then you would add the layers of old bolillo bathed in a syrup made out of piloncillo, cloves, chopped tomatoes, and chopped onions. Then you would top it with cheese, peanuts, raisins, sugar, colaciones ( small hard Mexican candies that resemble stars usually found around Xmas time ) keep adding layers of bolillo, syrup, cheese, peanuts, raisins, sugar, colasiones. Bake in the oven until toasted. This is how she made it. My grandma was from Zacatecas, Mexico. She was born in 1908. I follow her recipe except I omit the tortillas, the tomatoes and the onions. The colaciones candies are hard to find.

The original capirotada version I knew in Mexico city since I was a child was very lame and frankly just tasted like sugary mushy bread. This recipe brings brings the banana flavor and crunchiness of nuts. I am for Capirotada now!

I've made this twice now. The pie is dynamite, but I cannot get the topping to turn crunchy - the nuts start burning and I have to pull it out after just 2-3 minutes. Happened both times just like that. Any suggestions?

I baked a batch of shortbread today with pistachios (and pistachio-flavored pudding). The nuts were from a bulk store (shelled and roasted and very slightly salted. I thought it would be a good idea to toast the nut further to use as a topping. I also added some untoasted chopped but to the dough. I think that roasting might have given the nuts a off (bitter) taste Toasting them might have been a mistake (?) The nuts with out additional toasting used in the dough seemed to be better.

If you need your walnuts chopped, should you toast them before chopping? Or can you chop them before toasting? Will it make any difference in flavor, except perhaps in the time it takes to roast them?

Great sense of humour, my rude little wife had fits about me toasting my nuts.

Question please : my walnut tree has just been plucked, I wore gloves like good boy, and poued boiling water over them to try and delay the mould.

Do you roast them in the shell if not how do you get them out without too much damage. Thanks, David

I always toast nuts in a big frying pan on the stove. I usually add a little salt and no oil. This is easier for me than using the oven. The big deal with this is that you have to stand there and stir them around or they will burn on the bottom and be raw on the top.

I've just checked for some recipes online on how to make flavored (in particular, hot and spicy) peanuts. It seems that in every one of these recipes, there has to be some kind of roasting procedure (coating with oil, powdering and then oven-roast), or cooking them, in order to get the powder to "stick" to the nuts.

edit -- another question : is the oil necessary for flavoring them? I mean, nuts are oily naturally, so would heating them in the pan and then putting the chili/garlic powder or parmesan straight after be good enough?

It is possible that you could make it work with some other liquid other than oil but oil tastes good and won't dry out. Additionally for spicy peanuts, capsaicin is soluble in fat so the oil will actually be intensified.

I don't know about an easier/less messy way because I don't consider this to be particularly difficult or messy. Just toss nuts with oil, then powder, spread on a pan and bake. Doesn't get much simpler than that.

Another alternative that has become popular is kettle roasted nuts.The nuts are cooked in a large kettle with an agitator to keep them from settling and burning. Usually they also candied. The process is much stickier and flavorings adhere much better.At home, oil popcorn poppers with agitators are available that can beautifully make kettle roasted nuts. Manual versions are sturdy and inexpensive.

Alternatively, you could also give them a quick mist with some cooking spray which would minimize the amount of oil needed and allow the seasonings to adhere. I would suggest this method if you are using pre-roasted nuts so that you don't risk turning them bitter by heating them too much.

Hi I made these like 5 years ago for co-workers. Bought little Christmas wine glasses at the dollar store, filled with nuts, and put on each desk. Huge hit! Everyone LOVED them. I thought I lost the recipe and was so sad but found I had pinned it! I used a T vanilla and T water and am using the roasting pan for easier stir. I wish I could share the smell in my kitchen it is amazing! I hope they turn out delicious as last time :-).

Good morning! I have made these nuts every year since you posted this recipe and my family and coworkers look forward to this every year. They are so good and so addicting! YUM!!!! Thank you for sharing such a yummy treat. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

A few years ago, I was killing time looking at all the deli meats and cheeses in the deli showcase while my order was filled. I was stunned to see a lunchmeat containing pistachio nuts. Deli meats fresh from the counter were the last place I would have expected nuts.

I had trouble with this a while ago and I figured out that there is a button like log that you have to step on to raise the log under the nut which allows you to obtain it. As for the other one, I do not remember. But I do remember there is 5 nuts in total to collect. Hope this helped.

First you need to remember that you can only carry one at a time, so make sure you go straight to Owl once you get one. With that in mind, most of them can be reached after you complete all the jumping challenges that Tigger and Roo have for you. Once you do that, you can get just about all of them by either having Roo or Tigger bounce you into the trees. You just have to make your way to the nuts from there. The one close to ground level (Next to a log and stump I believe.) can only be gotten if you jump on the stump while it's being spurted into the air by a water stream (You can make this happen by jumping on a small near by stump). When you make it rise, just jump on top of it and wait till it ascends. Once it goes up all the way, you'll get it automatically.

Nuts are flavorful little packages of healthy unsaturated fats, protein, fiber, and other nutrients. For example, peanuts and pecans contain lots of B vitamins; almonds are rich in calcium and vitamin E; walnuts have lots of folate, vitamin E, and alpha-linoleic acid (ALA, an omega-3 fatty acid). And all nuts have magnesium.

When I spoke to the gal at The Wine & Cheese Place she told me that all raw nuts harbor insect eggs. If left raw after a certain period of time the eggs will hatch. If you eat the nuts prior to the eggs hatching, the acid in your stomach will kill them, so you never see these bugs. I nearly vomited after hearing that. How disgusting! I immediately went online to verify and found several sites that mentioned insect eggs on nuts. This is one of them.

I have this bag pf organic walnuts and have been eating them on salads. I noticed hair looking things on the walnuts inside the bag. I am truely trippin. I thought this happend one other time with a previous bag. What the hell are these things?

I have consumed nuts (Almonds, Cashews, English Walnuts, Pecans etc) by the pounds I will go through about 10 lbs a month. I usually buy the Blue Diamond branded Almonds, Fisher Branded Pecans, and then Planters mixed nuts without peanuts. I found that a few pecans had dropped down to the floor under my big comfy chair that rarely gets moved and we found worms all over the remains of several almonds! I estimate they were there for maybe 2 months. Ewwww! We cleaned up the mess and sprayed the rug to kill any remaining eggs. 2351a5e196

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