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How to Increase Breast Size Naturally

Women worry about the size of their breasts all the time. In fact, if they had their way, most women would probably choose to have large but very firm breasts. Women with large and firm breasts do not struggle with self-confidence. Their colleagues who are endowed with much smaller breasts are a worried lot and some struggle with self-confidence. Women struggle with small breasts because of many factors. Genetic disorder is the most common factor for small breasts. Common ways through which women increase breast size naturally include:

  • Exercises

It is important to state that not all types of exercises are good for breast enlargement. Therefore, choosing the appropriate types of exercises would be great. Women who desire to enjoy firmer and bigger breasts must choose the types of exercises they do very carefully. For example, doing a few chest presses would be an excellent way of increasing the breast size naturally. Some side swerves would also produce stunning results. Other types of exercises that would help women increase breast sizes naturally include push ups, pectoral and incline fly among many more. Exercises make breasts larger, firmer, shapelier, and perkier.

  • Massage

The beauty of using massage as a natural method of breast enhancement is that there is no need for going to a massage parlor or receiving the massage through a masseur. Each woman should learn how to massage her own breasts, especially if they are smaller and she needs them enlarged. Massage is effective because it promotes proper flow of blood within the breasts. Breasts that enjoy increased blood flow, also boast of a high amount of estrogen. Massaging the breast also helps with proper production of milk, which then makes the breasts larger by stimulating prolactin.

  • Diet and Foods

Some types of foods are the best when it comes to breast enlargement. Paying close attention to the daily diet gives every woman a higher chance of developing bigger breasts. Eating the right types of foods without doing anything else would not do much. The right diet has to be mixed with proper and regular exercises, massage and other actions to make the breasts larger. The right foods and diets help keep the body in good health. Women with smaller breasts need to add foods rich in plant-based estrogen (phystoestrogen) to their daily diets. Such foods include Sesame seeds, soymilk, soybeans, flaxseeds and more. Vitamins play a crucial role as well.

  • Creams

Identifying the best natural creams would help any woman develop larger breasts. The options are too many, thus calling for more research to identify the safest and most effective creams. Always check or ascertain that the cream chosen and used for this purpose has natural ingredients. Avoid creams with too many chemicals, which can have an adverse effect on the breasts.

  • Herbs

Certain types of herbs are known for their effectiveness in helping grow breasts. Some of the most effective herbs in this regard include fennel, fenugreek and blessed thistle.

Therefore, women who have always desired to develop larger, firmer, shapelier, and perkier breasts naturally should not be troubled any more. With the right combination of diets and foods, exercises, massage, creams, and herbs, achieving this goal would be much easier. However, a high degree of patience is needed to help the breasts grow larger than they have ever been regardless of the natural methods chosen to help with this goal.

Breast Enlargement Product to Help you in your Process

The breast enlargement industry is full of all manner of products. Many companies are producing all types of products claiming that these are the best and most effective in enlarging breasts. Many women are yet to be swayed, preferring to use natural methods of enlarging their breasts. On the other hand, some women keep trying different products. This is probably out of desperation. Many women use all manner of products before determining whether the small breasts are a result of genetic disorders or not. Some use whatever enlargement product they can find without finding out the real cause of the small breasts.

As previously stated, the market is currently full of all manner of breast enhancers. Some of the most common and very popular breast enhancement products in the market today include:

Do not invest in any product without consultation with the medical doctor. When taking any sort of medication, or afflicted by any medical condition, do not take or use any breast enhancing product without the permission of the medical doctor. Women need to avoid putting their lives at risk unnecessarily by dashing to the local stores to invest in the latest breast enhancer, with little regard to its efficacy. Some of these products are only effective with specific types of women. Some of the products would only work or produce excellent results if taken as prescribed by the medical doctor or the manufacturer. Any deviation in usage would produce disastrous results.

Why Creams are Effective in Enlarging Breasts Naturally

It is a bit interesting that many women do not consider creams as natural breast enhancers. This is despite the effectiveness of creams in bust enhancement. Creams are only effective if used properly. Follow all the instructions indicated on the back of the cream to the latter. For most women with small breasts, fewer goals are as important or as prioritized as bust enlargement. Creams are much better than pills or other types of medication. Creams are much cheaper than surgical procedures. Fewer complications arise with the use of creams. Surgeries and pills are responsible for numerous complications that would cost more to eliminate or treat.

Creams are pain-free. Surgeries cause too much pain and discomfort. Moreover, surgeries take much longer to heal. This is not the case with creams. Moreover, in only a matter of weeks, the breasts shall have grown much larger with proper application of the creams. Surgeries might produce immediate results. However, they are shortcuts, thus one of the reasons behind the high fees that women must pay for the surgical procedures. Moreover, with surgeries, women have to deal with numerous risks. It is also worth mentioning that surgery is all about fitting some implants on to the breasts. Not all women respond well to the implants.

The cost factor is worth considering when talking about surgery. This is because a simple surgical procedure could cost between $7,000 and $10,000. This does not guarantee that the procedure shall produce the desired results or be devoid of pain and discomfort. Creams are much better in this regard, in that they do are not responsible for too causing excruciating pain. Creams do not also cause a huge dent in the woman’s pocket or finances. Creams have undergone clinically tests and been deemed clinically and medically safe for use in bust enlargement. These benefits are only achievable with the correct choice of creams.

It is worth stating that the creams are very popular with many women because it is easily absorbed. The faster absorption means that creams can start working on enlarging creams immediately. The creams are applied directly on the breasts. They get absorbed very fast. They are better than pills in this regard. Pills are not as effective and are no more than a waste of time and money. Some people wrongly believe that pills are more effective as they are taken orally. They claim that creams shall take much longer because of the need for more time absorption to take place and results to be delivered.

The enlargement creams can be used on a daily basis, without side effects. Pills are more dangerous because of the effect they might have on blood composition. Pills also increase the level of prolactin, which is not entirely beneficial. More importantly, make a careful selection of the creams. Check that they are clearly labeled for breast enlargement. Follow the instructions on how and when to apply the creams. Be patient and do not expect quick results. Give the creams a few weeks to start enlarging the breasts.

Best Exercises for Breast Enlargement

Millions of women around the world go through surgical procedures to enlarge their breasts each year. In the US alone, the number currently stands at around 300,000 women undergoing surgical breast enlargement. However, surgery is not always the best option. It is a well-known fact that women can grow their breasts naturally in several ways. Certain types of exercises are very effective in this regard. Not all exercises produce the desired results when it comes to enlarging breasts. The millions of women who seek surgery to enlarge their breasts is an indication that many women are not very happy with the sizes of their breasts.


Fewer exercises have the potential of making breasts grow larger than wall-ups. The goal of each exercise is to produce firmer breasts. It is worth mentioning that by their nature, breasts are made up of adipose tissues. The fact that they contain no muscle means that using exercises to make the breasts bigger would perhaps not achieve much without combining these with other strategies such massage, good diet and foods, massage and application of certain types of creams. The aim of the exercises is to make the pectoral muscles, which are just under the breasts, firmer. If the pectoral muscles are in a great shape, the breasts shall follow suit.


It would be impossible to do fly exercises without a pair of dumbbells. For the fly exercises to produce great results, the woman has to get hold of the dumbbells, lie on the bench, and lift them up in the prescribed manner. When doing this exercise, ensure that the arms are stretched out until they are at the same level with the shoulders, and parallel to the floor. This should happen while the woman is lying down on the bench facing up. Afterwards, lift the dumbbells until they are as close to each other as possible. Follow this by lowering the dumbbells back to their original or starting position. Keep the arms straight throughout the exercise.


Push-ups are similar to wall-ups only that the woman does them lying down. Rotation and standard push-ups would do. However, when it comes to breast enlargement exercises, rotation push-ups produce the best results. The fundamentals of the rotation are the same with those of the standard push-ups. Rest the body on the toes and palms, while ensuring that the body is completely straight. While still on the push-ups, consider altering the standard and rotational with some elevated push-ups. The fact that it takes more effort to do the elevated push-ups makes them more effective with regard to breast enhancement.

In summary, exercises are good. However, they are only effective if the right types of exercises are chosen for enlarging breasts. In addition to the push-ups, fly, and wall-ups, consider including some chest dips or chest presses as part of the regular exercises done to help enlarge breasts. Never forget that the exercises do not cause the breasts to enlarge, but it works on the pectoral muscles that are located just under the breasts.

Natural Ways to Enlarge Breasts Using Massage

The natural ways of breast enlargement are attracting more interest from women. This is because of the high costs associated with surgical procedures. Massage is one of the most natural ways through which to enlarge the size of breasts. Although every woman is beautiful and unique in her own way, many of them are not pleased with the size of their breasts. This is why a large number of the women keep looking for ways through which to grow their breasts. A woman with large and firmer breasts is more likely to be self-confident, attract the attention of an increasing number of men, and feel more like a woman. With massage, all these benefits are achievable.

Massage does not hurt and is painless. Massage releases more blood to flow into the breasts. Blood is very important for breast enlargement predominantly because it contains a healthy dose of estrogen. Women have tried many methods of bust enhancement, but seem to dismiss the role that a proper massage can play. However, any massage technique does not work. The right technique has to be applied for bust enhancement to take effect. With the proper massaging techniques, the bust does not only grow in size, but it also increases in firmness and develops a more appealing shape.

Massage has many benefits. First, the fact that it is cheap makes massage one of the most cost-effective methods of bust enlargement. This is because the woman does not have to go to a professional masseur for a session of bust massage. Any woman can massage her own bust to enlarge it. Massage is one of the few DIY natural bust enhancement procedures that any woman can try. Moreover, with massage, there is no need for worrying about the right time for doing it. Massage can be done any time, at the woman’s discretion. More than that, massage is also very helpful in that it helps check on the health of the breasts.

Use the right tools when massaging the breasts. Some of the supplies that would help produce better massaging results include a bit of almond oil, some cocoa butter and shea butter. Evening primrose should also feature on the list of massaging supplies. Some olive oil would also suffice. Apply the oils mentioned here on the fingers or palms and use them to reduce resistance. Start by rubbing the oil on the breasts. Apply a bit of oil, and do not overdo it. Place the three longest fingers on the nipple and gently push downward. Do not apply too much pressure. While cupping, pushing them back gently, the finish by lifting them.

Twirl the breasts with the two hands, while moving them interchangeably clockwise and anti-clockwise. Wherever and whenever the hands move, the breasts should follow suit. The aforementioned steps should be repeated every day. Massaging the breasts occasionally will never make the busts grow any bigger. Be careful while massaging the breasts. Avoid moving the nipples too much as this can cause a bit of distortion on their shape.

How Effective Are Herbs in Breast Enlargement?

Unbeknown to many women, herbs are just as effective as other natural ways of breast enlargement. Several communities around the world have been using herbs as a natural way through which to enlarge the size of breasts for eons. A number of folk medicines in ancient societies featured herbs in treating different types of diseases and health conditions. Modern science is just waking up to the realization that herbs is not merely good for medical purposes but for breast enhancement too. Moreover, the price that a woman has to pay for buying herbs is hundreds of times lower than what she would pay for surgical procedures.

Herbs are effective in bust enhancement purely because of their ability to trigger hormonal changes. This mimics what happens in the woman’s body when she is lactating or carrying a child in pregnancy. While lactating, the woman’s body experiences hormonal changes that lead to enlargement of breasts. While pregnant, the woman’s body initiates some hormonal changes that make the breasts grow bigger. This is the effect that herbs have on the woman’s breasts. Fennels are some of the most effective herbs in this regard. This is because the estrogen found in fennels is similar to what the woman’s body produces when she is lactating or pregnant.

It is difficult to find a more popular herb when it comes to enlarging breasts than fenugreeks. Many women use fenugreeks simply because of the advice they receive from their friends and colleagues. What they might not know, is the fact that fenugreeks are the most effective in estrogen production because they contain diosgenin. These are just but a few of the contents found in fenugreeks that make it enhance the production of milk, thus leading to enlarged breasts. Blessed thistles are also commonly used in enhancing breasts. Blessed thistle is mostly found in Asia and the Mediterranean regions, where it is used for many purposes.

It is advisable to consult with the doctor or medical physician to find out whether taking the herbs has any side effect. This is especially true of a woman who is under medication. Some types of medication react negatively or adversely with medication. Therefore, it is an excellent idea to seek the doctor’s approval before adding any herb in the daily diet for the sole purpose of bust enhancement. Women with specific health conditions should always have a discussion with their medical doctors to determine whether the addition of herbs into the daily diet to help enlarge breasts is a good idea or not.

Finally, some of the most effective herbs when it comes to enlarging breasts naturally include fenugreeks and fennels. Saw palmettos and wild yams have been used in many cultures for the sole aim of enlarging the breasts. Other effective types of herbs include red clovers, black cohosh, soy isoflavones, and Pueraria mirifica. However, as previously mentioned, it is better to seek the doctor’s permission first before starting to use any herb. When sick, talk with the doctor first before consuming any herb. When taking any medication, talk with the doctor first before taking any herb.