If kids grow up more in touch with the natural world, they will feel less inclined to destroy it as adults. While I wholeheartedly believe kids need to play outside in nature, they can also learn about entire ecosystems right in their kitchens, using only a handful of basic ingredients.

Any of the fermented recipes I have posted on my blog can serve as a good science lesson but I decided to start with sourdough, the homiest of foods and one that almost all kids will eat. This lesson covers only sourdough starter. If you and your student want to later bake bread, you can find the recipe here.

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A sourdough starter, also known as a sourdough culture, contains living bacteria and yeast that transform flour and water into a leavening agent. Filled with gas bubbles, a leavening agent makes bread dough rise during baking. A sourdough starter also adds flavor and aroma to bread. It most commonly consists of only flour and water. This living thing needs regular feeding to keep it alive. When well cared for, sourdough starters can live for hundreds of years. The starter King Arthur Flour carries dates to the late 1700s, making it about the same age as The United States.

About 6,000 years ago in Egypt, someone baked the first loaf of bread. They likely noticed a neglected mixture of flour and water had sprung to life, bubbling away in a corner somewhere. That accidental starter would have made the first loaf rise. For thousands of years, bread was made with this kind of wild yeast.

In 1857, Louis Pasteur first identified yeast under his microscope. Soon after his discovery, around 1880, industry developed commercial yeast, which contains only one strain of bacterium, Saccharomyes cerevisiae. Commercial yeast produces consistent loaves of bread quickly, which meant bakeries could bake more loaves, more quickly, with fewer workers, resulting in higher profits.

3. To feed your starter, in a separate container, mix together another 50ml warm water with 50 grams flour. Stir in 1 to 1 1/2 tablespoons of the bubbling starter. This is your new starter. The previous one is discard. TIP: Store your discard in the refrigerator until ready to use for making crackers, pancakes, waffles, or tortillas.

4. Continue to feed the starter daily. After approximately 5 days of feedings, it should begin to double in size after feeding and fall back to its original size. This process will take several hours. It will also smell yeasty, slightly fruity and slightly acidic. When you notice these characteristics, the starter is ready to leaven bread dough. Be patient. Your kitchen may be cold and your starter may take longer to show these signs of life.

I remember wondering when I was a child, what is yeast? Where does it come from? (we never did sourdough, just the dried stuff) Yeast is kind of magical and I can see it being a completely entrancing subject for children. I always love the idea of including children in the kitchen, and this is another great way to keep their interest. Thank you!

hi thank you for the lesson! it help and my mom made me do three paragraphs about the sourdough starter,the history, and the science behind it. and i also got to see the bacteria from when the sourdough was wet and dry. THANK YOU AGAIN ZERO-WASTE CHEF!!!

You should also be seeing some bubbly activity within 24-48 hours of every feeding. If the amount of bubbles starts to decrease, you might need to reduce your starter to one cup and start feeding it as if it were Day 6.

Hi, I use evaporated milk in mine. I use half evaporated milk and half water to equal the amount of milk called for. My starter is very active and bubbly. I rarely use anything else because canned milk is so convenient to keep in my house.

I made my first starter last night and stored it in a ziploc bag. However, When I got up in the morning, the bag had expanded to the point of almost exploding! Should I let the air out? Is it ok to open the bag? Is this normal haha. TIA

Hi Rita! If it smells okay and the color looks okay, it should be okay! If anything, you can try adding a little bit of milk till you get it to a consistency that is more similar to pancake batter. Let us know how it goes!

Thank you! Color and smell are on target. It gave me a total of 6 cups. I bagged 5 and put them in the freezer. This is the first time I have ever had a starter this active. It had lots of bubbles, was thick and would quickly rise to the top of the bowl after stirring or feeding. This second batch is also thick and bubbly but not as much as the first batch. I will add a little more milk and see what happens.

The texture is like pancake batter and it is bubbly, but the bag is not expanding with air as much after feeding as first go around. Should I add sugar and milk along with the flour I wonder. It is on my kitchen table, heat vent directly under table.

Hi Alecia! Yes, we would give it a full feeding of flour, sugar, and milk (with a 1:1 ratio) and see how it reacts. If it still have a good consistency and the color looks good, then we suggest just feeding it more and more often. Hope that helps!

My starter never bubbled much. When I traveled inland, I took and continued to feed. There it bubbled a lot and the bag almost exploded. The only thing that was different was crystal sugar (granulated sugar). Is it the temperature that influences, because the interior is very hot or is it the sugar?

Hi Seema! As long as it looks active, it should be fine! It might become sluggish if it has been fed more than a 1:1 ratio; you could also try putting it in a warm place to encourage growth. This may help, too: -maintaining-a-healthy-amish-friendship-bread-starter/

Hi! I have a question! It is the day to divide into starters and bake the bread. I FORGOT to take out the starters and already added everything to bake. Can I still take out 4 starters or is it too late?

I started my starter batch last night. Put it in a ziploc and this morning it is a big puffy bag with lots of air. I didnt use the packet of dry active yeast. I could only find a container that said yeast. Is there a difference? Is it okay? Do I let the air out?

I have a question about the starter. Mine had some bubbles on day 1, and then during the forst 6 days (before feeding) the bag would fill with air. I am almost on day 10 and ready to separate and bake the first loaf but the starter seems very liquidy, is this normal?

Hi Anna! Yes, the original recipe is here: -amish-friendship-bread/. There is cinnamon in the recipe, AND you coat the pans with a mixture of cinnamon-sugar (that recipe is here: -sugar-cinnamon-mixture/), and finally you top the batter with the remaining cinnamon-sugar mixture before you bake. ?

Hi Patty! If your starter still looks happy and healthy, never fear. Just feed it and bake with it as if it were baking day. The only time you need to be concerned is if it starts to smell like acetone (nail polish remover) and starts to turn either pink or green. However, if it looks okay, you can bake with it a few days late.


So I have had Marge since march 8th and I have been worried about her. She seems like batter in a jar. She never bubbles up after feeding any more, her beery yeasty smell has gotten less and less she smells lightly of bread dough now. My friendship bread is divine but my sourdough loaf wont rise. Im worried that she has no pep in her step, I have a single back up in the freezer, should I take her down to a cup and try to revive her or pull out my back up?

I reached day 10 of my starter processing with a healthy and bubbling starter! Not much happened on days 2 & 3, just a few small bubbles after it was stirred. The starter took off when the sun came out and I was able to put the glass jar by the sunny window!

On day 10 I fed the starter and used 1 cup to bake with. I froze the extra starter in 1 cup portions. Unfortunately, the next day I read not to freeze the starter until it was frothy and bubbling. Mine had been sitting covered on the counter for almost 2 hours. It was just beginning to have small bubbles.

So when I defrost a bag, should I wait to see activity/bubbles before I bake with it?

I made a starter yesterday. It has been 17 hours. The batter rose but there is no bubbling. I only had yeast that was outdated by 4 months and the kitchen is cool. Should I wait 24-48 hours before I toss and start again? Since this is day 2, should I stir/mash even though there is no bubbling activity?

Yay, you're here! What will you make with your 1 cup of Amish Friendship Bread starter? Choose from over 250+ AFB recipes and tutorials. It's great to have you with us in the Friendship Bread Kitchen!

I have NEVER tested it when it was at it's height, but only after it collapses back to its initial level. Is this my problem? Is the starter only good to use for bread for a small window of time, and do I need to grab it and use it when it's nearing it's highest level?

I keep waiting about 24 hours before feeding again - but I am noticing that this starter I'm making seems to reach it's height, which looks like about 2X the initial height, around 4 hours after feeding it. 5 hours after feeding, it's collapsed back down again. Should I be feeding every 12 hours to hurry this process along? Or is it still processing and becoming more sourdough-ey for the rest of that time? I just feel like maybe I'm wasting time by waiting to feed until a full day has gone by if the sourdough is definitely not rising any more.

The photo is of the starter at its height, 4.5 hours after feeding. I tried the float test just a few min after taking this photo. When I stuck a spoon in to stir it up and scoop out a blob to drop in water, the starter collapsed back to just a couple millimeters above the starting level. And the scoop of starter that I dropped into water sunk.

Yes. That is your problem. A 100% or more hydration sourdough starter is ripe when it has doubled and is full of good, healthy bubbles. That means that the yeast still has enough food to keep producing CO2. That's when you want to use your starter - when it is healthy and vigorous. 152ee80cbc

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