Pioneer pages list


  1. To qualify for a free pioneer page listing you must:-
  2. Create and submit 100 cash links with your own code or referral link
  3. Join at least 50 referral sites, including honeygain and at least one betaurl site
  4. Earn £50 in referrals for the, TAWC club, via our cash links or £5 in donations from easy fundraising or make a donation of at least £10 to one of our paypal pools

Welcome to the Tawc club pioneers pages

To create a page of cash making sites and cash online to share with friends, family, social media network, project and cause supporters and philanthropists and influencers, follow the steps below:-

  1. Visit your favourite links from our cash links directory
  2. Join as many as you want, the more you visit the more links you will have on your own page, submit your links using your unique identifer and our submit a link form, any rewards or payments complete our I GOt PAID form
  3. Create a domain name or use one of our list
  4. Create a passive apps account including honeygain, easyfundraising and beta urls shortners.
  5. Choose a product category or niche you want to promote
  6. Choose a cause category you want to support
  7. Visit our donor hubs and add your favourite causes or projects
  8. Join our freelancers sites and request work required, logos, websites, layout, themes, or create your own
  9. Join as many blog, media and social network sites as you can and promote your page everywhere.
  10. Offer incentives and promtions to collect likes, reviews and ratings
  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category

Animals and Wildlife

  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category

Arts & Culture

  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category

Children & Young People

  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category

Community &


  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category


  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category


  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category

Elderly& Welfare

  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category


  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category

Individual challenge

  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category


  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category

Public service & military

  1. Pioneer1
  2. Earnings to date £1000
  3. Review rating 5
  4. Cause Category

Religion and Spirtuality