A Directory is an object holding a path on which operations canbe performed. The path to the directory can be absolute or relative.It allows access to the parent directory,since it is a FileSystemEntity.

The following code sample creates a directory using the create method.By setting the recursive parameter to true, you can create thenamed directory and all its necessary parent directories,if they do not already exist.

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Use the list or listSync methods to get the files and directoriescontained in a directory.Set recursive to true to recursively list all subdirectories.Set followLinks to true to follow symbolic links.The list method returns a Stream of FileSystemEntity objects.Listen on the stream to access each object as it is found:

However, in many situations, like creating one directory, perhaps the async (default) version of Directory.create will not be time saving and could perhaps result in race condition. In that case, using the sync version of the command would be more appropriate:

NOTICE: Flutter hopes this directory is useful for customers seeking consultants with Flutter experience; however, Flutter makes no representation to you or anyone else that the listed consultants are Flutter or Google partners, and Flutter does not represent or warrant their qualifications or the quality of services you may receive. Your relationship is strictly between you and the consultants.

You can configure the fvm cache directory by setting FVM_HOME environment variable. If nothing is set the default fvm path will be used. You are also able to change the directory by setting the --cache-path on the config. See below

Execute fvm use in the project root directory; If configured correctly, this will switch the version used on VSCode. If you are having issues, click on the Flutter version text on the status bar of VSCode, to show all the current SDKs installed on your machine. Select auto-detect, which will check .vscode dir inside your project and then change your Flutter SDK depending on the fvm config or manually select the Flutter SDK from fvm cache directory.

Re-running the command ensures that your Flutter app's Firebase configuration is up-to-date and (for Android) automatically adds any required Gradle plugins to your app.Step 3: Initialize Firebase in your appFrom your Flutter project directory, run the following command to installthe core plugin:

i had just created a new project and didn't see the podfile in the ios/ directory. i needed the podfile in order to setup firebase integration. although it has been pointed out in a comment by @ncuillery, i thought i should add an answer for the reason that a comment may be missed very easily!

removing this part from the pubspec made flutter generate the podfile again when running pub get. i'm using it as a module but like to be able to run the project standalone as well, so for that reason i put the module bit back in again after running a pub get.

[windows/android studio] to create podfile all you need is to run pod init in ios folder in your flutter project, if you are using window and not yet installed cocopods, then you need to install ruby which is prerequires to install cocopods (pod command) which in turn is used to create podfile

i found the podfile and podfile.lock in the ios folder as created by the flutter tools, yet pods.xcodeproj was missing in the xcode view of the project.i opened a command-line terminal, went into ios folder and ranpod installthat was enough for me to fix the project.

recently, i encountered the same problem. no podfile created even when i add dependency packages in the pubspec.yaml file. in the end, i have to manually add a pod file in the ios directory and issue 'pod deintegrate', 'pod setup' and 'pod install'.

i will suggest simply go to your flutter package and do flutter create .it will automatically create all the missing files and even podfile.i have used this command in my project and it is fruitful. e24fc04721

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