Geske Rolvering

About Me

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Passau. I completed my Mater's degree at Maastricht University in 2019. My supervisor is Stefan Bauernschuster.

My research interests are empirical labor, population and environmental economics.  

I am currently on maternity leave. 

You can find my CV here.


"Does information help to overcome resistance to carbon pricing? Evidence from a survey experiment" (with Fabienne Cantner), latest version here.

Note: an older version of the paper is available as BGPE Discussion Paper.

Abstract: We document attitudes towards climate change and carbon pricing and study whether information affect policy views shortly before the introduction of the German carbon price. Using a survey experiment, we show that despite high climate change awareness, support for the carbon price is low. We also show that informing respondents about efficiency gains or emission levels and carbon prices outside Germany can change their views. Highlighting measures to offset the regressive nature of the carbon price is not effective. Furthermore, we find that the effectiveness of the information interventions depends largely on trust in the government and climate change awareness.

"Public child care and mothers’ career trajectories" (with Katrin Huber), latest version here.
Note: an older version of the paper is available as CEPA Discussion Paper.

Abstract: We study the impact of public child care on mothers' career trajectories, focusing on qualitative dimensions of career choices. Using an event study approach, we find that child care helps mothers to return to the labor market more quickly and that this effect is mainly due to an increase in part-time employment. At the same time, we find no short- or long-term effects of child care on the quality of maternal careers, as measured, for example, by employment stability, employment in occupations with abstract tasks, or employment in managerial positions. Furthermore, we find no evidence of heterogeneous effects across mothers.


University of Passau

Natural and Field Experiments (Master/PhD, Tutorial)

Behavioral Public Economics (Master, Tutorial)

Public Finance (Bachelor, Tutorial)

Seminar: Topics in Public Economics (Master)

Seminar: Environmental Economics (Bachelor)


Geske Rolvering
University of Passau
Chair of Public Economics
Innstraße 27
94032 Passau
Twitter: @GeskeRolvering