schweser has the quicksheet. its best to create your own. put formulas and definitions on flashcards for drilling. you should understand each formula, makes it easy to remember. i used the quicksheet at december exam only a couple of days before the exam. just to go through it and make sure i knew it all. i wouldnt use it to learn.

The level and content of security monitoring, alerting, and reporting needs to be set during the requirements and design stage of projects, and should be proportionate to the information security risks. This can then be used to define what should be logged.

Cfa Level 2 Quicksheet 39.pdf

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Note C: This is not always possible where the application is running on a device under some other party's control (e.g. on an individual's mobile phone, on a remote customer's workstation which is on another corporate network). In these cases, attempt to measure the time offset, or record a confidence level in the event timestamp.

As you can see in the image above, at the network level, the processes of saving and downloading logs require opening different network accesses (ports), arrows are highlighted in different colors. Also, saving and downloading are performed by different applications.

For Level 1, Fixed Income is third largest topic (sharing the title with Equity Investments) after FRA and Ethics. It is crucial to get a solid foundation on fixed income fundamentals from Level 1 as its topic weight increases throughout the 3 levels.

MDM grid has also embraced the time factor to help identify appropriate E/M visit levels. Time is not only used to determine the E/M visit level, but it also plays a role in determining if a service should be considered prolonged or not. Physician or other qualified health care professional time includes the following activities:

Urea nitrogen is the nitrogen portion of urea, a substance formed in the liver through an enzymatic protein breakdown process. Urea is normally freely filtered through the renal glomeruli, with a small amount reabsorbed in the tubules and the remainder excreted in the urine. Elevated levels indicate a slowing of the glomerular filtration rate.

Bilirubin is produced by the liver, spleen, and bone marrow and is also a by-product of hemoglobin breakdown. Total bilirubin levels can be broken into direct bilirubin, which is excreted primarily via the intestinal tract, and indirect bilirubin, which circulates primarily in the bloodstream. Total bilirubin levels increase with any type of jaundice; direct and indirect bilirubin levels help differentiate the cause of jaundice.

Ammonia is a by-product of protein catabolism; most of it is created by bacteria acting on proteins present in the gut. Ammonia is metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys as urea. Elevated levels resulting from hepatic dysfunction may lead to encephalopathy. Venous ammonia levels are not a reliable indicator of hepatic coma.

Amylase is an enzyme, produced by the pancreas and salivary glands, aids in the digestion of complex carbohydrates and is excreted by the kidneys. In acute pancreatitis, the amylase level may exceed five times the normal value; the level starts rising 6 hours after the onset of pain, peaks at about 24 hours, and returns to normal in 2 to 3 days after the onset of pain. In chronic pancreatitis, the rise in serum amylase usually does not normally exceed three times the normal value.

Lipase is a pancreatic enzyme converts fats and triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol. Elevated lipase levels occur in pancreatic disorders; elevations may not occur until 24 to 36 hours after the onset of illness and may remain elevated for up to 14 days.

Fasting blood glucose or fasting blood sugar (FBS) levels are used to help diagnose diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia. Glucose is a monosaccharide found in fruits and is formed from the digestion of carbohydrates and the conversion of glycogen by the liver. Glucose is the main source of cellular energy for the body and is essential for brain and erythrocyte function.

The glucose tolerance test (GTT) aids in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. If the glucose levels peak at higher than normal at 1 and 2 hours after injection or ingestion of glucose and are slower than normal to return to fasting levels, then diabetes mellitus is confirmed.

Creatine kinase (CK) is an enzyme found in muscle and brain tissue that reflects tissue catabolism resulting from cell trauma. The CK level begins to rise within 6 hours of muscle damage, peaks at 18 hours, and returns to normal in 2 to 3 days. The test for CK is performed to detect myocardial or skeletal muscle damage or central nervous system damage. Isoenzymes include CK-MB (cardiac), CK-BB (brain), and CK-MM (muscles):

BNP is the primary marker for identifying heart failure as the cause of dyspnea. The higher the BNP level, the more severe the heart failure. If the BNP level is elevated, dyspnea is due to heart failure; if it is normal, the dyspnea is due to a pulmonary problem.

Thyroid studies are performed if a thyroid disorder is suspected. Common laboratory blood tests such as thyroxine, TSH, T4, and T3 are done to evaluate thyroid function. Thyroid studies help differentiate primary thyroid disease from secondary causes and from abnormalities in thyroxine-binding globulin levels. Thyroid peroxidase antibodies test may be done to identify the presence of autoimmune conditions involving the thyroid gland.

Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs) are measured in a laboratory test to determine the extent of compensation by the buffer system. It measures the acidity (pH) and the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood. Blood for an ABG test is taken from an artery whereas most other blood tests are done on a sample of blood taken from a vein. To help you interpret ABG results, check out our 8-Step Guide to ABG Analysis Tic-Tac-Toe Method.

Monitoring the therapeutic levels of certain medications is often conducted when the patient is taking medications with a narrow therapeutic range where a slight imbalance could be critical. Drug monitoring includes drawing blood samples for peak and trough levels to determine if blood serum levels of a specific drug are at a therapeutic level and not a subtherapeutic or toxic level. The peak level indicates the highest concentration of the drug in the blood serum while the trough level represents the lowest concentration. The following are the normal therapeutic serum medication levels: be457b7860

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