Contrary to many other languages, German keyboards are usually not labeled in English (in fact, DIN 2137-1:2012-06 requires either the symbol according to ISO/IEC 9995-7 or the German abbreviation is to be used, with "Esc" as an exception). The abbreviations used on German keyboards are:

I have a problem: I am not able to type square brackets in the ruby workspace console with the german keyboard configuration. I am using a Macbook Pro, and normally on a german keyboard, the [] are typed in with ALT 5 and ALT 6. This does not work in the console of the ruby workspace.

German Keyboard


Nevertheless there are still problems occur with the german keyboard: does anybody know how to indent several lines of code? It's recommended to use CMD+square bracket and issue ;)

For anyone who still has this problem: I greatly advise switching to the US qwerty layout when programming. All of the special characters are easily accessible that way. Adding, and switching between, keyboard layouts is easy, no matter what OS you are using. I used to use the german qwertz layout myself for a long time, but it was always a struggle when programming.

I just tried it out on Windows and on another Linux OS on my Laptop and the shortcut didn't work out, but maybe I'm just missing out a way such keys can alternatively be accessed on geman keyboards >_

The best solution i could come up with was to maybe allow both ctrl + ` and ctrl +  to put a selection into grave accents, because on the german keyboard  can be reached without having to use shift.

I always thought that the default bindings for vim were bad until I saw what a english keyboard looks. Then it clicked in my head and they make totally sense now to me. You shoud know that on the german keyboard some characters are really bad to reach. So my question is if anyone has good keybindings for the german keyboard layout?

With a bit of practice, you can mentally switch back and forth between a US and DE keyboard layout -- even the swapped Y and Z become second nature after a while. I did that for years while working in Germany.

Speaking of switching keyboard layouts, I switch between Dvorak and US Qwerty often enough that it doesn't bother me, and they are much more different than the US and German layouts. (Dvorak reduces hand strain for me).

My Macbook pro has Germany keyboard layout. XCode 4 has a keyboart shortcut for "move-line-up": Option-Command-[, but I cannot do that, as on German keyboard layout, "[" can only be typed using Option-5. So if I type Option-Command-5, it means Option-Command-5.

Want to figure out the first hot keys and keyboard thingies for markdown in Obsidian for a German windows keyboard. For example: I wanted to change how the link appears, but not the link itself. And Nicole van der Hoeven in her video of "Obsidian for non coders" used the I sign, that is not a big i. I can not find it! And believe me I googled.

I tried everything I can with my illiterate mind that already struggles to remember two hot keys. But by this time I figured out the way I google is probably also not precise enough, bcs I get results that do not answer my keyboard questions.

Maybe there is a kind fellow stranger that sends me a list of strg-fixed, germanised Obsidian keyboard instructions. I have a hp Pavillion flip laptop and even when I find instructions for German windows keyboards they seem to use a different vocab for the same "Tasten". I have (strg) (fn) (some Windows flag) (alt) (space) (alt gr) (>

Thank you, Fenja. 

But for some reason that does not work for me. Does it work for other MacUsers, Ctrl+ and Ctrl+? 

 (I am beginning to wonder if I have to set my InDesign language to German to use the German keyboard shortcuts?)

Thank you, Uwe. 

Not the answer I was hoping to hear, but most likely the source of my problem. Since I have worked with English Adobe versions all my professional life, setting the language to German means relearning all the program's commands. So I guess I will stick to my rather annoying habit of switching the keyboard language back and forth to use my favourite shortcuts.

This will map the keyboard layout to de regardless of the physical keyboard layout, and works in the newest version of xorg that uses udev for input hotplugging. If you're still on the previous version of Xorg that uses hal and fdi policies, a similar change can be made in the evdev configuration file (in the HAL wiki entry I believe).

The german linux magazin has also published an artice about in the year 2003 (see the link below).

I tried this out but I could'nt get it to work. I admit, that I'm not very familiar in writing xmodmaps so I tried this by copy / paste.

I can toogle my keyboard from de to my mapping with the caps lock key.

The german umlaut keys and Sharp S are accessible with AltGr .

Maybe it would be more cosmetic to merge this 2 files into one but this solution works for me.

On a German keyboard, the default keys for changing brush size are not usable; keys '[' and ']' must be entered by pressing Alt+5 and Alt+6. Therefore, I redefined the keys to use '' instead which works fine, but only for brushes. I cannot use them to resize the tool size in the liquify perspective nor for brush overlays in the HDR perspective. I think they should work everywhere where I want to increase and decrease a tool size while working.

Agreed, this has been an issue in Photoshop for years. Ideally, these keys would be bound to the keyboard layout so that even when you're changing between different keyboard layouts a lot while the application is running (like say, German, US English and Japanese), these types of shortcuts will still function reasonably well and not suddenly become impossible to press.

Edit 2:

Ad Clear heading: [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[0] is the exact key combination that produces the closing curly brace }, making it impossible to type the aforementioned. Yet another reason to change this keyboard shortcut for the german keyboard layout.

Well I do use Win10 with a (hardware) German keyboard layout and a neo software emulation on top. I could reconfigure the the launchbar to not use Shift-Enter, but I rather would like to change the shortcuts in dynalist.

I have installed Version 10.10.5 and have a german keyboard layout. "cmd + /" should give me an overview of all keyboard shortcuts, but on the german keyboard I have to press for "/" the "shift + 7" combination. "cmd + shift + 7" will not give me the keyboard layout nor any other combination I tried. Any ideas how to fix this?

Also the keyboard shortcut for auto fill does by default not seem to work for me.

The keyboard shorcut for auto fil is CMD+. 

On my german keyboard i have to press option+shift+7 to get a backslash (\).

Neither, CMD+7 nor CMD+option+shift+7 does work. Nothing is shown.

I am not interested in changing the default keyboard shortcuts to something that works for my keyboard after upgrading an app.

So please give me some hint why the shortcuts are not working or fix the default keyboard shortcuts in the next release please.

Auto fill in 1password 7 was as far as I remember (not totally sure) just cmd+#, which worked (most of the time) well. I cannot remember if there was some shortcut for displaying shortcuts.

I'm sorry to hear you're both experiencing unexpected behaviour while trying to set custom keyboard shortcuts. I suspect this is related to a bug that affects non-US keyboard layouts where certain keys are misread. I'll add this thread to our tracker so you can be notified once a fix is available.

I recommend using an alternative keyboard shortcut in the meantime. If Quick Access, showing/hiding/locking 1Password is part of your workflow, you can also adjust the menu bar icon to trigger one of those actions:

@Educabledrift have you tried 'CMD+#'? This was the default in the past and many versions of 1PW8 ingored (or are still ignoring?) non US keyboad layouts, i.e. any key you pressed on a German keyboard showed its US mapping in the preferences dialog.

I am having a similar problem in that I have a UK Mac Avid keyboard, and the tilde key is not where Avid thinks it is (which I find very annoying as I have it mapped to switch source/record timeline view).

If I use the keyboard on a PC Avid system (e.g. remoting into a facility) I can fix this with the "Map Foreign Keyboard" button in keyboard settings, but on my Mac this does not appear. And I have tried resetting everything (new user settings, site settings, MC State, etc) but I am just left with Avid assuming I have a US keyboard layout, and no "Map Foreign Keyboard" option.

Unfortunately I couldn't resolve the issue. I heard about colleagues who said they can use their German keyboard on a Mac, but for me on Catalina and the newest avid Version it doesn't work. Support added "map foreign keyboard" for Mac as a feature request..

And here is how the keyboard settings appears on the PC Avid, where I have been able to remap the '' and '\' keys to act as '\' and '#' respectively, allowing me to use the keyboard the way I am used to: 2351a5e196

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