Georg Lehner

I am a Postdoc in mathematics at Freie Universität Berlin, working as part of the research group "Algebraic Topology". My current area of focus is algebraic K-theory of group rings and the Farrell-Jones conjecture. In a broader sense my interests are everything related to group and representation theory, homotopy theory, higher category theory, differential topology, topos theory and matters related to categorical logic. 

I have also briefly worked as a data scientist and I am curious about the fascinating recent developments in machine learning and quantum computing.

Email: lehner.georg (at) // Office hours: Wednesday 16:00-17:00

My stackexchange / mathoverflow profile 

Mathematical Writings

Talks given

"An approach to the Rosenberg conjecture" 10.1.2025 @Interactions between C*-algebraic KK-theory and homotopy theory, Slides

"Norm, assembly and coassembly"  28.10.2024 @Universität Münster,  Oberseminar Topology,  Notes

"Norm, assembly and coassembly" 10.9.2024 @"Dualizable Categories & Continuous K-Theory", MPIM, Bonn. Slides 

"Norm, assembly and coassembly" 14.5.2024 @"From Analysis to Homotopy Theory", Greifswald. Slides 

"Rigidity and the Rosenberg Conjecture"  27.4.2024 @33rd NRW Topology Meeting, University of Wuppertal 

"Group Completion via the action ∞-category"  15.4.2024 @(∞,n)-Categories and their applications, Utrecht University

"Group completion of E_n - Spaces and infinite products" 8.2.2024, @University Regensburg

Research stay, 4-6.12.2023 @University Copenhagen

"The passage from the integral to the rational group ring in algebraic K-theory" 24.7.2023, @University Regensburg

"The Rosenberg Conjecture through the lens of solidification" 21.7.2023, @Potsdam University Notes 

"The map K_0 ZG -> K_0 QG" 2021, @GROOT Summer Seminar 2021

"What is the point of pointless topology?" 2019, @Berlin Mathematical School's "What is...?" Seminar

"What is a topological surface?" 2018, @Berlin Mathematical School's "What is...?" Seminar


Winter Semester 2024/25

Summer Semester 2024

Winter Semester 2023/24

Summer Semester 2023

Winter Semester 2022/23


