
All images taken and processed here by GMU students.

Unless specified, images of objects above were captured using our SBIG STX-16803 CCD with an appropriate filter wheel. All images are property of GMU, please contact us for usage permissions.

George Mason University Observatory Facility

More Astrophotograph Archive

Triangulum Galaxy (M33)

Jupiter and Saturn 2020 Conjunction

Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038, 4039)

Globular Cluster (M13)


Fossil Footprint Nebula (NGC 1491)

Jupiter and its moons

Caldwell 23 (NGC 891)

Pleiades (M45)

Globular Cluster (M92)

Globular Cluster (M92)

The Triangulum Galaxy (M33)

The Triangulum Galaxy (M33)

Globular Cluster (M56)

Owl Nebula (M97)

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