Contact Us

For general inquiry, please use

The control room can be reached at (703) 993-9559. However, please note we usually operate remotely, so we rarely pick up the call. You may call this number about 15 minutes before a public event if you cannot find us.


10401 York River Rd, Fairfax, VA 22030

↩️Directions & Parking🚗

🚗 Drive yourself here 🚗

🚏 Visit us by bus 🚌

🚐 Visit us by school bus 🚐


(note, there is no parking at this address)

  Research Hall

  10401 York River Rd

  Fairfax, VA 22030

The meeting area is the lobby (near the elevators on 1st floor)

 Shenandoah Parking Deck

  Sandy Creek Way

  Fairfax, VA 22030

When you arrive at Research Hall on 1st floor, look for the elevators and take an exit of the building. The COS Showcase is in the extension tower labeled "001".

To find the Exploratory Hall (EXPL), room 3301 (3rd floor) if you approach from Shenandoah Parking Deck, walk off the deck using an exit near Sandy Creek Shuttle Stop and look for the entrance to the Exploratory Hall.

Enter the building and use the nearest elevator.

Go to 3rd floor. The room is next to the elevator.

Observatory Faculty & Staff

Dr. Harold Geller

Observatory Emeritus Director

Dr. Peter Plavchan

Observatory Executive Director

Dr. Rob Parks

Observatory Director

Kevin Collins

Observatory TA

Thunyapong Mahapol

Observatory TA