Today I was asked to update my Geolocation Online Map or otherwise it would stop working after 6/30/2017. I applied the hotfix update and it was installed under C:Autodesk . The problem is that the hotfix didn't do anything and it still asks me to update my Geolocation everytime I try to turn on the maps for a drawing. I need help with this problem.. Thank you.

I got this notification the other day also for the hotfix. Link to the hotfix below (which includes detailed instructions). Not sure what the solution is to your question, however the link below will provide additional details....

Geolocation Hotfix Download


I was having the same issue. However, my issue was that after downloading the hotfix, if i clicked the file from the download window, Windows would open the file prior to extracting the file from the zip folder. It made it appear that the file had been extracted. Make sure you extract the exe. from the zip prior to running and then right click (as mentioned above) to run as administrator.

If you are opening the page for the first time, configure the fields under the Settings tab. However, do not change the Site URL field as the URL represents the hotfix. If you are setting up a local site:

As soon as hotfix installation starts, stopping the sever(s) first is the core thing that happens before hotfix files are applied on the server(s). The same must happen for un-installation as well. Unless this is done, nothing proceeds. If the server is in a state where you cannot stop the server, installation/un-installation can become unresponsive.

If you apply the hotfix from ColdFusion Administrator, ensure that the ColdFusion server starts only with appropriate start/stop privileges. The hotfix installer runs with the same privileges and server start/stop happens automatically in the background.

When you apply the hotfix from the ColdFusion Administrator, it restarts the server with the same user as it was running with which makes your server secure. If your server runs as nobody before the hotfix, the server starts with the user nobody even after applying the hotfix.

Download the hotfix from ColdFusion Administrator's Server Updates section. Since installing hotfix on J2EE server is a manual process, stop the ColdFusion instance first from your JEE application server.

It is good to stop the base application server (WebSphere) before applying the hotfix. Unless any ColdFusion files are locked by the base application server even after ColdFusion instances are stopped, this is not mandatory.

If there is a ColdFusion service for which you have applied the hotfix, it will start the service.

If the service is not there for the ColdFusion instance, then it starts ColdFusion instance in the background.

The installer puts the log files under: C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-10-00001\

Any modified/added/removed files are listed in the file named: hotfix_filelist.log in the above directory.

And the installation log with the name Adobe_ColdFusion_2016_Update_1***.log is also in the same directory.

The Administrator first creates the file named file at the same location as hotfix jar file. This file is used to invoke the hotfix installer. Once the installation is started, first thing it does is trying to stop the ColdFusion servers. Then it applies the hotfix and then restarts all the servers for stand-alone and multi-instance installations.

This hotfix installer stops one server after the other when 'coldfusion.exe stop' command is issued to the server. Even this process comes up in the Task Manager. Once the installation starts, you can view the processes in the Task Manager.

Under Available Updates, only the latest (not yet applied) HotFixes are listed.

For example, if hotfix update level 10 is applied on the server, and now say hotfix 12 is available and you have not applied Update 11, it shows only the hotfixes whose update level is more than 10. (that is, Update levels 11, 12 are shown)

You can find the hotfix installation log in C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-10-00002\Adobe_ColdFusion_10_Update_2_Install*.log depending on the instance you have applied the hotfix from.

If there are errors logged in this file, and if you want to re-run the installer to fix them you have can do the following:

After rectifying the root cause (like base app server stop for jee installation if files are locked by base app server), you can uninstall and then install it again or do the following.

In the following example is for update 2 change it according to your update. 

Copy the file C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-10-00002\backup\hf-updates\updates.xml

to C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\hf-updates\updates.xml

This will make the update level to previous level and so you will be allowed to run the installation again. It is equivalent to updating the updates.xml file by removing the node corresponding to the current hotfix.

Case 1:-

If the bug fix is included in the publicly released Hotfix, you don't need to do anything. Hotfix installer itself takes care of all clean-up required. In general, it is always intended to be included.

Case 2:-

However, for some reason (say, due to timing of release), if a bug fix is not included into public hotfix, you have to apply back the fix manually to your ColdFusion Servers. But it is a rare case.

Uninstaller removes the files from all the server instances to whichever it is applied. If you have applied the hotfix to ColdFusion instances cfusion,cfusion1,cfusion2 at one go, when you invoke uninstallation from any of these instances it will uninstall from all the instances(cfusion,cfusion1,cfusion2). However, backup directory containing the original backed up files is left back for debug/backup purposes.

3. If you have installed the hotfix using silent installation on your own, uninstallation can also be done silently. Run the following command: > C:\ColdFusion2016\jre\bin\java -jar \opt\coldfusion10\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-10-00002\uninstall\uninstaller.jar

Even though you have installed hotfix to five instances using a single script, there is only one hotfix uninstaller for all these five instances for a given update (Usually this is under cfusion instance. It could be under other instance if cfusion was not opted for HF ). And when you invoke the above command it will uninstall hotfix from all the five instances.

Any hotfix is cumulative of all the previous hotfixes. For example, if Update 2 is released and you have not applied Update ,1 then if you are just applying Update 2, Update 2 also contains what was released in Update 1.

There are many limitations with Server Manager for applying the hotfixes to servers.

Hotfix notification and installation is a fully functional substitute to Server Manager which is very productive and can be applied just by accessing the ColdFusion Administrator.

When you access ColdFusion Default Server Instance (cfusion)'s Administrator, you can apply the hotfix to all the child instances of this main instance irrespective of whether they are in cluster or not.

No, you can apply the Hotfix to any number of instances of same installation on the same machine from the cfusion server instance's Administrator, but you cannot apply the hotfix to any ColdFusion instance on some other machine. You have to access that machine's default server instances' ColdFusion administrator to apply the hotfix to any ColdFusion instance.

There was a bug before Update 3 and it is now fixed. The fix is effective only from Update 4 onwards. If update 3 is not applied, it is advised to apply the hotfix to child instances from the ColdFusion Administrator of default server instance (cfusion).

Method 1(File Management with your Custom Scripts):


If your organization has Scripts/Other Methods rather than applying from ColdFusion Administrator or from GUI/Console Installation and wants only the Hotfix files that are Added/Modified/Deleted, you can do that as well.

Step 1: Using your own customary scripts, first of all, you always will have to clear all the files under CF Instance\lib\updates from all your server instances.

Step 2: Then get the modified and added file list (of hotfix).

After downloading the Hotfix from the ColdFusion Administrator,

3. Run the following:

> C:\ColdFusion2016\jre\bin\java -jar hotfix_001.jar -DINSTALL_FILES_OUTSIDE_CF=true 

This will put up the files under a location that you would have selected while installing.

In this example I have selected the path as C:\CF2016_HF1_Files while installing.

Under the directory C:\CF2016_HF1_Files\hf-updates\hf-10-00001 all the added and modified files are there. These files are maintained with the target directory structure required. So, you just have to drop this directory into your ColdFusion Instance Root (Say, C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\)

Combine the steps 1 and 2 in your scripts and move these wherever you want them to be moved by replacing the target files with always file-overwrite option.

If there are any changes for JVM.config file or to some of configuration XML files which has the chance of being modified by end customers themselves, those files are not laid out as said above.

For Update 1 there are no such changes.

You can only apply the hotfix to complete Kentico projects that use the standard folder structure (the solution file, GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs, the CMS and Lib sub-folders). If you run your website as a deployment of the CMS folder, you need to hotfix the original complete project and then create a new deployment.

All users who work with the Kentico administration interface should clear the cache in their browsers after applying the hotfix. Otherwise, some features in the administration interface may not be displayed correctly. e24fc04721

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