So I've been using the app for the past 4 days and haven't had an issue. However, when I opened it earlier this afternoon, I happened to double click the top of the window and it vanished somewhere. I've tried everything to get it to show back up (quitting and reopening the app, deleting and reinstalling it, restarting my computer, showing and hiding my open windows) but nothing has worked. I even called Apple Support but they referred me to the app developer which led me here.

Geogebra doesn't remind you what file you're working on ? I mean usulaly again any software shows the file name you're in, in its bar title at the top of its window, but I don't see it in Geogebra : I mean not only the missing "Save" function is obviously a serious problem, but moreover without any reminder of the file opened in the current geogebra windows, this multiplies the risk of overwriting the wrong file each time you have "to save as" (instead of just "save" since this is missing). This does not help our students to find their way around in Geogebra.

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Currently, if I double click geogebra without admin's privilege, the geogebra.exe and javaw.exe processes appear in sequence in task manager windows for 1 or 2 seconds and then disappear. Only when running as admin, the javaw.exe can be normally started.

I'm on Ubuntu 14.04 (64 Bit) with Java 1.7.0_55 (openjdk-7-jdk:amd64, openjdk-7-jre:amd64). Most GUI Java applications start without any errors or warnings and their Icon shows up in the launcher, but their windows are nowhere to be seen. This is because they are being placed off screen (about 1 monitor width) to the right of the primary monitor. I've got two monitors, the right one being the primary one.

Using ALT+F7 and the arrow keys allows me to move the windows into the viewable area, but once I quit the programs and run them again, they will appear off-screen again and I have to do the procedure again.

I found a bug report about Java windows being misplaced, but it doesn't sound like my problem exactly. This StackOverflow question does sound like my problem but only workarounds (the one I came up with myself) are being suggested. ff782bc1db

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