General Topology


General Information

This is the website for General Topology at NTNU, running Spring 2019, it will contain all materials and announcements.

The course syllabus is found here.

The lecturer is Rachael Boyd -

The course will be taught and examined in English.

Office hours will be Wednesday 15.00 - 16.00 (Sentralbygg 2 , room 1202).



Revision lecture

Please indicate what times you can make on the following poll:


Course evaluation

The course is now finished!

There is a course evaluation survey for you to fill in, you can access it here

please take the time to fill in the comment fields. There are 9 questions. This will be very helpful for me in the future, so thank you in advance!



We will have a midterm exam 08.30-10.00 on Thursday 7th March. You will be examined on material from the lectures up to and including the material we cover in the next two weeks. This midterm will not count towards your final grade and you should view it as an opportunity to consolidate your understanding of the first half of the course.


Back to normal

Lectures this week will run as normal.


Cancelled class

There will be no class today. Paul Trygsland will take class tomorrow. Please check here for announcements concerning next weeks classes. The hand in question is still due tomorrow, and can be done using material we covered in the first two weeks of class.


Change of timetable

In order to avoid the clash with Introduction to Topology, lectures for this course will now take place Wednesdays 12.15 - 14.00 (B1) and Thursdays 08.15 - 10.00 (K26). The Wednesday class will start next week.

PS Remember that your first hand-in is due tomorrow, please see the exercise sheet.


Change of room - 8th Jan

On the 8th Jan (tomorrow!) we will meet in R3 in Realfagbygget from 10.15 -12.00. Sorry for the late notice, the allocated room was unsuitable for the class size. In this lecture we will discuss an alternative time to avoid the clash with Introduction to Topology: please attend one of the lectures or email us, otherwise your vote will not be counted.


General Topology timetable

It has come to our attention that the Introduction to Topology and General Topology timetables clash (Tuesday 10-12), and many students are signed up to both. If this affects you, please contact Dr Wilson as he is trying to reschedule Introduction to Topology on this day.