Securing the Future of GenAI: Mitigating Security Risks

Jun 27  (9 am - 5 pm PST ),  2023 

Mountain  View  & Virtual Attendance

An invite-only research workshop co-organized by Google, Stanford, UW-Madison 


GenAI technologies, such as large language models (LLMs) and diffusion models, have changed the computing landscape. They have enabled exciting applications, such as generating realistic images, automatic code completion, and document summarization. However, adversaries can use GenAI as well (this is the classic case of "dual use"). For example, adversaries can use GenAI to generate spearfishing emails or realistic-looking content that spreads misinformation. Note that these attacks were possible before, but the velocity/scale of these attacks might be greatly enhanced because of GenAI.

We are arranging a workshop on the risks of GenAI with focus on questions, such as:

[1]  How could attackers leverage GenAI technologies?

[2] How should security measures change in response to GenAI technologies?

[3] What are some current and emerging technologies we should pay attention to for designing countermeasures?

The workshop is organized by Google, Stanford, and UW-Madison.