
Flamboyant Event on September 1 2021

At 5:00 PM India Time, GEG Thiruvananthapuram conducted its first GEG Meet as an inauguration ceremony. Around 70 enthusiastic educators in the Malayalam speaking world joined the event. 

Reshma Honap of Global GEG & leader of GEG Pune Maharashtra addressed the crowd on the activities of GEGs and the contributions it brings to the Educator community at large. Dr. Anas (Principal, The Oxford School Calicut) inaugurated the event. Dr N.K. Sathyapalan, a veteran educationalist spoke about the growing need for educators to embrace technology and go beyond the bounds of online classes.

Many educators expressed their pleasure to be part of the new initiative by Google for Education. It was also mentioned that GEG Thiruvananthapuram Kerala will be conducting meet ups in English as well as Malayalam.