I am a big step further and have the drivers and X running.

What I was missing is that for some reason Xorg in current versions is reading-in not only /etc/X11/xorg.conf but all files in that folder starting with xorg.conf (so e.g. xorg.conf.failsafe or xorg.conf_backup) - and that lead to X not starting without any error messages pointing the way.

What I thus did is remove all xorg.conf* files from /etc/X11/ and uncomment all nvidia related things in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-nvidia.conf and 11-nvidia-prime.conf and then started from there gradually uncommenting things until I had a working config.

After upgrading to the latest nvidia-driver (version 460.39) I get a black screen after booting into Ubuntu.

Also I experience really weird issues with any nvidia driver (I tried 390, 440, 450,460) when connecting to a large external monitor (or TV) via HDMI. The whole system gets really really slow, even typing something in the terminal lags a few seconds and the cursor seems like pulling it through honey. Getting the black screen after booting after upgrading the driver was just the cherry on top.

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Getting the black screen on main display is a bug in the 460 driver, affects more people.

Only getting 4k@30Hz on the hdmi port is due to that port being connected to the intel gpu which only supports hdmi 1.4. If your notebook also has a displayport connector, use an active DP to HDMI 2.0 converter.

The general slowdown when connecting the 4k screen might be due to Prime sync missing, please try setting the kernel parameter


Regarding the sound problem: It tried different cables and the problem persist. Also it occurred only after installing the nvidia driver version 460 for the first time. Sound works properly when connecting another notebook to the same TV with the same cable.

Hi, everyone! According to Adobe's System Compatibility Report, I have an unsupported video driver. I've tried looking for Studio Driver updates, but I can't find any. I really need to edit a video this week for a project.

Running apt-get with the -f flag also throws the same error. Am I going to have to get the drivers from the site and install manually maybe? I've not done that before so I would rather try get this working but that's a rather large error!

I uninstalled the graphics driver and deleted all Nvidia folders in Program Files and Program Files (x86) and rebooted. Windows updated the drivers on startup. It still didn't work. So I did a Windows driver update from the device manager and rebooted. Still nothing. So finally I re-installed

I really need to fix these issues as soon as possible. I use this laptop for work only and have several deadlines to meet. I don't think the problem is hardware related, as I manage to get Avid running again. There must be a driver mess up between Windows and HP drivers. Other video programs are working fine.

Hi Dave,

the graphics drivers are up to date. When you say I should make sure that SketchUp is actually being displayed by the NVidia card and not the integrated Intel GPU do you mean within the Open GL tab of SketchUp preferences or within the Nvidia control panel? Both say NVidia



**Description of Problem;** My game performance is atrocious compared to other laptops with basically same structure (or older) than mine. GTX 950m should be getting around 110+ fps in League of Legends. I get 30-40.

Here are youtube videos of people with comparable (sometimes worse) specs than me getting more FPS than me, we have the same video card: Nvidia GTX 950m: (FPS is on the top right of the screen)

**Troubleshooting:** I have tried uninstalling the GPU drivers and reinstalling them. I used DDU. I've fiddled with the NVIDIA control panel settings, setting things on this and that and nothing seems to help. I read somewhere about BIOS? But information wasn't and I didn't want to mess anything up on my laptop. Then there is this thing I read about called Nvidia Optimus? But I don't know if I even have that in my system or not.

When you are reinstalling your graphics driver are you making sure that GeForce experience is not being installed? GeForce Experience is the worst piece of software for gaming laptops. If you have it, get rid of it.

Nvidia bundles it with drivers now. If you chose not to go with the custom installation and uncheck it, it will get installed. Your 30FPS frame lock looked like GeForce's "battery saver" mode, that's why I asked.

Honestly, I thought I wasn't using the 950m. That was my initial thought because my FPS was so low. But the Nvidia notification thingy is saying that the 950m is activated when I open League..but Im getting 30fps..and about to jump out a window >_