Digital Technology

This site developed by an adult literacy program in B.C. has a set of lessons about using computers. This link will take you to the website then click on the topic you are interested in to download a workbook.

GCFLearnfree has lessons to learn the common skills needed to use a computer.

GCFLearnfree can help learn the differences between internet browsers, how to use Google and online safety.

Learn how to interpret and evaluate information online, whether you're reading an article, watching a video, or using social media.

Task-based activities were developed to align with the Ontario Adult Literacy Curriculum Framework. Search the topic that you are working on (filling in forms, math etc.) with your learner and choose the options that is right for you.

Designed for families to practice literacy throughout 2020. Use these to start conversations with your learner about how to plan some activities that can involve the whole family.

Laubach has many resources that you can use with your learner. Most publications that were developed by Laubach are free to download. If you find a resource that isn't free contact the Adult Literacy Program Coordinator and ask if it is a resource that can be ordered.