
Bring the challenge to your Team 

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#GCActive | Move 23 min. daily in 2023 

We’re invited to join the #GCActive Movement.

Together apart let's connect and get active 23min/day in 2023 and spread the Wellness.

#GC Employees are invited to take selfies, photos or videos of something you appreciate while being active. Keep the challenge moving by nominating other #GC colleagues when you post yourself being active for the #GCActive Movement. When nominated you have 72hrs to complete. Looking forward to seeing who will join!

Relieve stress, increase wellness while we connect with other public servants across the Country. #GCActive 

Nominate/Tag  GC colleagues with this sample nomination text

#GCActive  | Move 223 min. daily in 20223

Nominating X. You have 72hrs! Keep the challenge moving by nominating other #GC colleagues when you post yourself being active for the #GCActive Movement.

All the details to invite, nominate tag others

EXPECT CHANGES: You will see other GC employees become more active. You’ll see them make different choices at lunch, and you’ll see them become noticeably healthier and more energetic. 

You’ll also see them become more focused and optimistic. You’ll see them develop deeper camaraderie and better attitudes. You may even see them enjoying work more, becoming less stressed and more productive and impacting your culture in a very big way.