

Software bug database and benchmark are the wheels of automated software testing advancement. Real bugs often occur rather sparsely in relative to the amount of software code, the extraction and curation of which are quite labor-intensive but can be the essentials to innovate testing techniques.

The download link of gbgallery is : GBGallery

The download link of packaged Anaconda environment is : Environment

See details of GBGallery in gbgallery - Details of GBGallery (

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What is GBGallery?

GBGallery is an opened game bug database and game testing framework, which contains 5 commercial games and 76 real industrial game bugs in total.

In GBGallery, we have integrated 5 automated game testing strategies include : Random, DQN, A2C, A2C+curiosity, and Wuji (the distinguished paper in ASE 2019). DQN and A2C are basic deep reinforcement learning algorithm (DRL), A2C+curiosity contains an extra curiosity-driven agent exploration guidance than A2C, Wuji is a combination of search-based optimization with DRL. Currently few research was proposed for automated game testing by AI, thus we propose GBGallery to encourage the above research.

What is structure of the GBGallery?

  1. GBGallery is constructed by 5 games and the game bugs, therefore GBGallery contains 5 independent program package.

  2. In each game (program package), there are following elements (refer to the Fig.1 in the paper):

a. The game entity and unified environment, which contains the server program and client program.

b. Integrated game bugs with the game program, the game bugs are not visible since we compiled them into the binary execution files.

c. A configuration file which allows users to make each bug take effect.

d. The built-in bug oracles, which is also not visible.

e. A set of reinforcement learning interfaces.

f. 5 existing automated game testing strategies (baselines).

  1. All the elements in GBGallery can be accessed by the interfaces, program, etc. Please refer to the documents for details.

What can GBGallery bring you?

  1. With the game bugs in GBGallery , users can do analysis and research related to game testing just like using other open source game bug databases.

  2. Based on the programs and interfaces developed and organized by us, users can access customized automated game testing strategies and verify their ideas on GBGallery .

  3. Based on the various baselines we have integrated, users can quickly compare customized automated game testing strategies with these baselines.

  4. GBGallery wants to be a useful automated platform which can help to study and address the challenge of game testing.