Some may claim that the invocation of genocide, especially in Gaza, is fraught. But does one have to wait for a genocide to be successfully completed to name it? This logic contributes to the politics of denial. When it comes to Gaza, there is a sense of moral hypocrisy that undergirds Western epistemological approaches, one which mutes the ability to name the violence inflicted upon Palestinians. But naming injustice is crucial to claiming justice. If the international community takes its crimes seriously, then the discussion about the unfolding genocide in Gaza is not a matter of mere semantics.

What do we call this condition? How do we name this collective existence under a system of forced fragmentation and cruel domination? The human rights community has largely adopted a combination of occupation and apartheid to understand the situation in Palestine. Apartheid is a crime. It is a legal framework. It is committed in Palestine. And even though there is a consensus among the human rights community that Israel is perpetrating apartheid, the refusal of Western governments to come to terms with this material reality of Palestinians is revealing.

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Once again, Palestine brings a special uncovering force to the discourse. It reveals how otherwise credible institutions, such as Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch, are no longer to be trusted. It shows how facts become disputable in a Trumpist fashion by liberals such as President Biden. Palestine allows us to see the line that bifurcates the binaries (e.g. trusted/untrusted) as much as it underscores the collapse of dichotomies (e.g. democrat/republican or fact/claim). It is in this liminal space that Palestine exists and continues to defy the distinction itself. It is the exception that reveals the rule and the subtext that is, in fact, the text: Palestine is the most vivid manifestation of the colonial condition upheld in the 21st century.

In its most abstract form, the Nakba is a structure that serves to erase the group dynamic: the attempt to incapacitate the Palestinians from exercising their political will as a group. It is the continuous collusion of states and systems to exclude the Palestinians from materializing their right to self-determination. In its most material form, the Nakba is each Palestinian killed or injured, each Palestinian imprisoned or otherwise subjugated, and each Palestinian dispossessed or exiled.

As Edward Said reminds us, Zionism must be assessed from the standpoint of its victims, not its beneficiaries. Zionism can be simultaneously understood as a national movement for some Jews and a colonial project for Palestinians. The making of Israel in Palestine took the form of consolidating Jewish national life at the expense of shattering a Palestinian one. For those displaced, misplaced, bombed, and dispossessed, Zionism is never a story of Jewish emancipation; it is a story of Palestinian subjugation.

What is distinctive about the Nakba is that it has extended through the turn of the 21st century and evolved into a sophisticated system of domination that has fragmented and reorganized Palestinians into different legal categories, with each category subject to a distinctive type of violence. Fragmentation thus became the legal technology underlying the ongoing Nakba. The Nakba has encompassed both apartheid and genocidal violence in a way that makes it fulfill these legal definitions at various points in time while still evading their particular historical frames.

We must imagine that one day there will be a recognized crime of committing a Nakba, and a disapprobation of Zionism as an ideology based on racial elimination. The road to get there remains long and challenging, but we do not have the privilege to relinquish any legal tools available to name the crimes against the Palestinian people in the present and attempt to stop them. The denial of the genocide in Gaza is rooted in the denial of the Nakba. And both must end, now.

I remember sitting next to Sourani in The Hague in December 2020 when he looked the International Criminal Court prosecutor Fatou Bensouda in the eye and pleaded with her to tell Palestinians that they could trust in the ICC to heed their plight, that the court could assure them international law still had meaning for them and violence was not the only weapon they had at their disposal.

He said the EU is ready to contribute to the resumption of the political process on the basis of a two-State solution and supports the holding of an international peace conference as soon as possible.

On behalf of the Group, he called on the Security Council to urge Israel to heed the latest calls by the UN Secretary-General including sticking to the principles of the UN Charter, the Geneva Conventions, and relevant international law.

Decisions of the Assembly on important questions are made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. These questions include: recommendations with respect to the maintenance of international peace and security, or other subjects defined under rule 83 of the General Assembly Rules of Procedures.

Decisions on questions other than those provided for in rule 83, including the determination of additional categories of questions to be decided by a two-thirds majority, are made by a majority of the members present and voting.

He added that Israel was persisting with its denial of the violation of the inalienable right of people to self-determination and independence. This unacceptable situation must be brought to an end, he said.

He also noted that according to Iranian negotiations, Hamas is ready to release civilian prisoners, on the other hand the international community should support the release of 6,000 Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.

He urged the international community to work together to return to a true peace process and serious negotiations based on international law and Council resolutions to end the occupation and achieve a comprehensive, durable and just peace on the basis of the two-State solution within a set time frame and with international guarantees for peace for Palestinians, Israelis and the whole region.

NALEDI PANDOR, Minister for International Relations of South Africa, said the ultimate solution to the conflict is to finalize the two-State solution and called for an immediate ceasefire, the opening of a humanitarian corridor and, most urgently, on all parties to desist from fuelling this patently unjust war and the suffering of innocents. She expressed condolences to the people of Palestine and Israel for the lives lost as well as horror at the blatant targeting of civilians, a clear violation of international humanitarian law, the Geneva Convention and its Protocols. Both Hamas and Israel have committed these violations, she said. The killing of civilians and destruction of civilian infrastructure in Gaza by Israeli forces goes against the tenets of international law. There is an added obligation on an occupying Power, including a prohibition against collective punishment, she said, adding South Africa was also concerned about the actions of Hamas, which also targeted non-combatants.

SERGIY KYSLYTSYA (Ukraine) voiced his firm support for Israel in its right to defend to itself in accordance with Article 51 of the Charter. There is no justification for any kind of terror in the modern world, he said, reconfirming a strong condemnation of the Hamas attack that killed and wounded several thousand people, including citizens of Ukraine. He also condemned the taking of hostages and demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all captives. Hamas has plunged the region into hostilities and is using civilians as human shields. It is critically important to avoid further civilian casualties both in Israel and Palestine, he added, urging the strict abidingness by the rules of warfare and respect for the norms of international law. More so, humanitarian support and access to Gaza must be maintained, he stressed, adding that the further escalation of the conflict in the region must be avoided.

DIEGO PARY RODRGUEZ (Bolivia) said Israel applied a collective punishment on all Palestinians in Gaza, burning their houses and leaving them without food, fuel, medicine and water, further noting that it is inconceivable that the Council once again is paralysed in deciding on the situation. He urged the 15-member organ to act urgently as Palestinian lives have the same value as those of other people in the world. It is urgent that the killing and suffering of Palestinian civilians be stopped, he stressed, underscoring the priority of a ceasefire in order to provide urgent humanitarian assistance for the civilian population, particularly women, children, and older people. He called on the international community, through humanitarian agencies and UNRWA to provide support for those in need. Bolivia stands with the rights of the Palestinian people and highlights the recognition of Palestine as a full Member State in line with internationally recognized pre-1967 borders as the only formula to preserve its dignity and freedom, he said.

PETER MOHAN MAITHRI PIERIS (Sri Lanka) expressed grave concern over the escalation of violence in Gaza and called for the free movement of essential items and humanitarian aid, including fuel, food, medicine, water and electricity to Gaza. He called on all sides to immediately halt violence and take steps to prevent further civilian casualties. He also called on the international community to redouble their support for UNRWA, which is playing a commendable and courageous role in helping vulnerable populations under extremely challenging circumstances. He reiterated a call to keep open a humanitarian corridor to provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the civilians in Gaza. Sri Lanka is no stranger to the scourge of terrorism, he said, condemning terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and calling for the immediate release of all hostages taken into Gaza. 006ab0faaa

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