I managed to get the installation files for this old software called BailCredit built by a company called SentryLink. I found what I presume to be the ODBC driver in the installation files (dbodbc8.dll) and I've tried manually registering that (Windows Server 2008 R2) but didn't get anywhere. When I try to create a new datasource, the ODBC Data Source Administrator gives me an error.

I wasn't able to find this commercially available anywhere. I happened to be able to get my hands on the installation for the software package that was using SQLAnywhere 8. By installing this, it installed the necessary drivers (but only worked on 32-bit OS).

Sybase Sql Anywhere 5.0 Odbc Driver Free Download

Download Zip 🔥 https://tiurll.com/2y1JD1 🔥

$ sudo odbcinst -i -d -f sqladriver.template

odbcinst: Driver installed. Usage count increased to 1.

Target directory is /etcThe odbcinst command usually needs to be installed with root privileges. In the above example, Usage count is displayed as 1, but this is a count, so it may be a different number.



 Based on my research, the above error occurs when you supplied to or fetched from the database a value that is out of range for the destination column or host variable. For example, the value 10 may have been supplied for a DECIMAL(3,2) field. Please check if the values in your columns are in correct data type and if they exceeds the range of that data type accepts.


 There are similar articles for your reference.






Update: In production I encountered another problem after a few hours runtime: some part of the unixodbc/sqlanywhere driver stack hogs semaphores and at some point runs out of them. My advice is to not use sqlanywhere if possible.

So I return to SQL Anywhere and attempt to connect to a database via "Connect with an ODBC Data Source". Here, I can "Test Connection". And I consistently get the error: "[SAP][ODBC Driver Manager] Unable to load driver libodbc.dylib"

One thing I noticed is that when I added the SQL Anywhere 17 driver, I point (per the instructions) to: /Applications/SQLAnywhere17/System/lib64/dbodbc17.bundle. Now I have no idea what a bundle file is. Does it contain a 'bundle' of drivers? No idea. But unless this bundle file is supposed to contain libodbc.dylib (the file/driver reported as missing) then it's worth mentioning that file doesn't even exist on my Mac; I've searched for it.

You may want to know where is "the SQL Anywhere ODBC driver file"You may want to know how to fill in "Specify the full path name of the SQL anywhere ODBC driver file"You may have no idea what the CMS "Database name" is during DS installationYou may have troubles to fill in the CMS information during DS installation

When connecting locally (i.e from the 64-bit machine), you should use the 64-bit ODBC Administrator (can be accessed via the SQL Anywhere 11 Start menu item) and create a System or User datasource specifying the (64-bit) SQL Anywhere 11 ODBC driver. 

 When connecting remotely (e.g. from a Windows 32-bit machine), you should install the 32-bit SQL Anywhere 11 driver and specify this when creating the datasource.


 When creating a User or System DSN, the Server name and Database name fields should match those at the server. For the ASA Sample, these are "demo11" (circled above) and "demo" respectively. The name chosen for the ODBC datasource (sybaseanywhere in this example) is arbitrary: 




 If connecting locally, you should specify the Shared memory option (under the Network tab) and leave the TCP/IP details blank. If you will be connecting remotely, you should specify TCP/IP as the network protocol and enter the HOST and PORT details of the remote server (separated by a semi-colon):




 All other settings can be left at their default values.


 From the Omnis SQL Browser, you should then be able to connect to the server using an ODBC session. The default username and password for the ASA sample are "dba" and "sql" respectively. Specify the DSN name chosen above as the hostname and leave the database field blank: 


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