Top 5 Attractions of Madagascar

Madagascar is an island that looks like a huge nature reserve located not far from Africa. This republic is a great place for tourists; it includes a huge number of attractions that will surprise tourists. Everyone will find something to see in Madagascar, and no one will be disappointed. Here is a list of places that you definitely cannot miss during the Madagascar Tour and Holidays, which will bring a lot of positive emotions and pleasant memories.


Ruwa Palace


This attraction includes several places at once. One of them is the royal palace of Manjakamiada. For a long time, Ruva served as a residence for the rulers of the island and was considered the spiritual center of the state. Now it is a popular place among tourists, which makes it possible to enjoy wonderful scenery. The palace is located at an altitude of 1480 meters above sea level. It is worth saying that the building did not always look like it does now: in 1995, it was badly damaged due to a fire but was later restored. At the moment, Ruva Palace is the most famous landmark of the country.


City of Antananarivo


The city of Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar, which means it is the most famous attraction in Madagascar Vacation Packages. The name translates as "a thousand villages," but until 1977, the city was called quite differently - Tananarive. Thousands of tourists come to visit the city every year. Antananarivo has many attractions, including statues and monuments, cathedrals and churches, museums, and other cultural objects. It is quite difficult to describe everything that is in the capital of Madagascar: you need to see it with your own eyes.


Andafiavaratra Palace


This palace is part of the royal hill of Ambohimanga, which previously belonged to one prime minister who ruled the island several centuries ago, but today the building serves as a museum. An incredible number of different exhibits are stored here, including antique furniture, portraits of famous historical figures, and luxury items from the past: rulers' outfits, jewelry, and so on. The Andafiawaratra Palace is well known all over the world and, therefore, must be included in the ranking of the best attractions in Madagascar.


Volcano Ankaratra


If you turn to the map, you can see that this attraction is located in the central part of the island. The Ankaratra volcano has not erupted for a long time, so it is considered dormant. Once upon a time, this area was inhabited by robbers and fugitives who tried to avoid the punishment of the rulers. It is worth noting that although the volcanoes of this zone fell asleep thousands of years ago, periodically, they cause earthquakes. In particular, the nearby town of Antsirabe suffers from this. The height of the main Ankaratra volcano reaches 2644 meters, but this is not the limit- there are more volcanoes in Madagascar. Despite this, the volcano zone deserves your attention.


St. Mary's Island


The rating of Madagascar attractions is completed with the island of St. Mary. Here, there are many entertainments for guests and tourists: fishing, diving, and relaxing on the beautiful coast. Over the past few years, the popularity of this island among tourists has increased significantly. This may be because the infrastructure has reached a new level, and the island has become even more hospitable and friendly. Hotels, restaurants, diving clubs - there is everything a tourist needs for a good vacation on the ocean.


A Madagascar Travel can only be compared with a trip to a completely different, special world. After visiting the sights of this state, every tourist will have many pleasant memories and amazing photographs. And if one day you have the opportunity to visit this island, do not miss it.


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