October 12-13, 2022

50th Annual Fall Staff Development Training: faces of fifty

in Macon, GA



Day 1

Pre - Training & Gala

Day 2

Staff Development

Both days will take place at the Harriet Tubman Museum


Greetings Georgia TRIO:

On behalf of the Executive Board of the Georgia Association of Special Programs Personnel, I would like to congratulate GASPP for standing in the gap for low income/first generation students for 50 years. As we reflect on those who have paved the way for us, I am truly honored to welcome you all to the 50th Annual GASPP Fall Training. We hope that your experience today will yield professional and personal development and wonderful networking opportunities to connect with colleagues.

This year's theme, "Faces of Fifty”, has set the stage for an array of workshops, guest speakers, and interactions that will challenge us as student service providers. The training, we receive will allow us to continue providing high-quality service despite this continuous pandemic, as we address issues never seen before. We hope that this meeting proves to be a successful training opportunity that empowers all colleagues in attendance to explore innovative solutions to securing funding and resources to assist first-generation, low-income, and disabled students in their quest to obtain college degrees.

Your continued input is vital to our association's success. Your attendance at this meeting is evidence of your commitment to TRIO, the students we serve, and your investment in your professional growth. Please join me in thanking GA TRIO Executive Board, especially the conference committee: Aaron Bunton, Lauren Smith, Samantha Class, Dr. Athea Harris and Juawn Jackson, for all their hard work organizing this event. We want to make your time with us as enjoyable as possible, so be sure to share your comments, concerns, and needs with me or any conference committee member.


President Sonia Davis

Join us in participating in our community service event!