Mythili Krishnan

Title: Analyze Global COVID-19 data with data visualization


Data visualization is a powerful tool and not often used for performing complex analysis. But, data visualization can be leveraged for solving various use cases and create solutions to derive useful business insights. We will use the Global COVID-19 data and look at some unique ways of visualizing it. We will be using few python libraries like Folium, Plotly, matplotlib to do this analysis.

We will see how we can create great interactive dashboards to look at the following illustrative list:

1. Global spread of COVID-19 across different countries over months- An interactive view of how the virus spread over time

2. Use of Choropleth maps for visualization

3. The rate of infection across countries over time

4. Death rate and recovery rate by countries over time

5. Effect of lockdown on countries like Italy and India -a visual analysis

I will also talk about few pros and cons of using each library. The talk will cover not only the techniques of visualization using the open source python libraries like plotly, Folium and matplotlib but also focus on solving use cases using visualization.