Tx Text Control Activex 16 Crack

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How to Use TX Text Control ActiveX 16 for Document Processing and Reporting

TX Text Control ActiveX 16 is a powerful and versatile component that allows you to add rich text editing, document processing and reporting features to your Visual Basic 6 and COM-based applications. With TX Text Control ActiveX 16, you can:

Create and modify documents in various formats, such as Office Open XML (DOCX), MS Word (DOC), Rich Text Format (RTF), HTML and Adobe PDF.

Use MS Word compatible templates and merge them with data from JSON or any IEnumerable object.

Create nested repeating blocks, master-detail, side-by-side and sub-reports with a simple flow type layout.

Divide documents into sections with different page orientation, headers, footers and page numbering.

Insert page columns, background images, tables, charts, barcodes and more.

Enable document collaboration features such as track changes, comments and annotations.

Perform calculations in tables using formulas and number formats.

In this article, we will show you how to get started with TX Text Control ActiveX 16 and how to use some of its key features.

Getting Started with TX Text Control ActiveX 16

To use TX Text Control ActiveX 16 in your application, you need to download the trial version from here [^1^] and install it on your machine. You also need to have a Text Control Account ID to sign in. If you don't have one, you can sign up for free here.

After installing TX Text Control ActiveX 16, you can add it to your Visual Basic 6 project by following these steps:

In Visual Basic 6, create a new Standard EXE project or open an existing one.

On the Project menu, click Components.

In the Components dialog box, select TX Text Control ActiveX 16.0 from the list of controls and click OK.

A new toolbar with the TX Text Control ActiveX icon will appear on the Toolbox window. You can drag and drop the icon onto your form to create a TXTextControl object.

You can also add other controls from the TX Text Control ActiveX toolbar, such as TXButtonBar, TXRulerBar and TXStatusBar to create a fully-featured document editor interface.

You can now use the properties, methods and events of the TXTextControl object to manipulate documents programmatically or interactively. For example, you can load a document from a file using the Load method:

TxTextControl1.Load "C:\Documents\Sample.docx", 0

The second parameter specifies the file format. You can use one of the predefined constants or omit it to let TX Text Control ActiveX detect the format automatically. You can also save a document to a file using the Save method:

TxTextControl1.Save "C:\Documents\Output.pdf", 4

The second parameter specifies the file format. In this case, we are saving the document as an Adobe PDF file. You can find more information about the supported file formats here [^2^].

Using Templates and Data Sources for Reporting

One of the most powerful features of TX Text Control ActiveX 16 is its ability to create reports based on templates and data sources. A template is a document that contains placeholders for data fields that will be replaced with actual data at runtime. A data source is an object that provides data for the placeholders. You can use JSON or any IEnumerable object as a data source.

To create a report using TX Text Control ActiveX 16, you need to follow these steps:

Create a template document using MS Word or TX Text Control ActiveX itself. You can use 66dfd1ed39

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