Cpu Level 1

 Play Time Infinite 

 Round Set 3

 Defense Level for P1 at 8

 Defense Level for P2 at 1

 Power Gauge for P1 at MAX


 "Blood of Geese Howard" is achieved by performing Rock's Hidden Potential Move, the NEO Deadly Rave. Activated by inputting the following command; 

 ,,,,,+ then pressing . . , , , , , ,.,+. My suggestion is to watch Rock throughout the move and mash the buttons in sequence. If you're still having issues then go to training mode and practice it there.


 "Impregnable Defense" and" Rage of Mademoiselle" can be done together seeing as Jenet's Hidden Potential is activated after Just Defending a mode and you need to do 10 Just Defenses in a match to unlock Impregnable Defense. To perform the An Oi Mademoiselle you have to press , , and while Jenet is in her Just Defense pose. You wanna press the buttons in sequence all at the same time. That should give you the timing you need to pull this one off. This will take time but this can be done with a little determination. You can practice the motion in Practice Mode if Story Mode is a little daunting to do it.


 "Legendary Wolf" looks like a hard achievement by description but if you have a second controller and some patience then the "Wolf" achievements become GS in the bank. "Legendary Wolf" requires you not lose a single round and get to the real final fight with Kain R. Heinlein. In order to do that you have to average an AAA ranking or better until you beat Grant and if you do that the Kain will appear as the final boss. The best way to assure you meet Kain and not waste a playthrough is to make sure you're defeating your opponents quickly and efficiently. Use the early fights to get high S marks so it makes it a little easier to slip an AA ranking or 2 and still have the average needed to fight Kain. The one other thing I need to make clear is YOU CAN'T LOSE A ROUND PERIOD. Even if you use the second controller to help out, YOU CAN'T LOSE A ROUND PERIOD!!! If you do, you might as well scratch the run and start anew. A little perserverance will get you these achievements. Just make sure to pay attention to what the battle is shaping to be and Press when you need to.


 The "Survivor" and "Hunter" achievements require you to be 7 and all 14 characters in the game in 1 run on one energy bar. Just make sure to watch your health and the time left and you'll be fine. Take your favorite character into Survival and go for it. If you don't have a favorite character then I'd suggest Terry Bogard for the job. His LP Power Charge (+) is one of his best moves and combos real easy. Take advantage of that. Keep at this and these will be yours in no time at all.


 "Bishop" and "Knight" are grinds. Just win 10 and 20 ranked fights to get these achivements. "King" is another story all together because you have to win 5 ranked fights in a row. You can do it with some time put in or if you don't want to do it this way then you can hit the Achievement Trading Thread for all 3 and it's located HERE.


 Step #3: Everything Else


 Here's a couple of more little tips from me. 


 Don't duck because the computer loves to abuse moves that hit overhead. Stay standing at all times unless you have a reason not to.


 If you can't reach the then the Guide button can perform the same action of pausing the game. Abuse it for the "Wolf" achievements or whatever you need it for.


 Garou is a staple of the fighting game genre. Just make sure to have fun and enjoy it like I do.

"Legendary Wolf" looks like a hard achievement by description but if you have a second controller and some patience then the "Wolf" achievements become GS in the bank. "Legendary Wolf" requires you not lose a single round and get to the real final fight with Kain R. Heinlein. In order to do that you have to average an AAA ranking or better until you beat Grant and if you do that then Kain will appear as the final boss. The best way to assure you meet Kain and not waste a playthrough is to make sure you're defeating your opponents quickly and efficiently. Use the early fights to get high S marks so it makes it a little easier to slip an AA ranking or 2 and still have the average needed to fight Kain. The one other thing I need to make clear is YOU CAN'T LOSE A ROUND PERIOD. Even if you use the second controller to help out, YOU CAN'T LOSE A ROUND PERIOD!!! If you do, you might as well scratch the run and start a new. one A little perserverance will get you these achievements. Just make sure to pay attention to what the battle is shaping to be and Press when you need to.

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A cold and stoic martial artist who is well-versed in Chinese martial arts involving powerful strikes. He is Hotaru's brother although he constantly denies it. Gato is searching for a mysterious man who is connected to his past. In Mark of the Wolves he enters the tournament believing that Kain knows about the man he's after, and sure enough, that man appears and saves Kain from the collapsing mansion. The man is revealed to be Gato's father, who drove his mother to death and vanished without a trace, but not before brutally maiming Gato and leaving him for dead. He encounters Hotaru Futaba, who believes him to be her older brother, but Gato continually denies this for some reason. 

In KOF 2003, he is hired by Geese Howard to investigate the events going on in the tournament, and in XI forms a new Garou team along with B. Jenet and Tizoc under the pretense of Jenet promising him information about his father once the tournament ends. He similarly joins her team in XV for the same reason. Aloof Ally: He ends up on a team with B. Jenet and Tizoc. Although in Gato's mind, he has no friends or enemies. Happens again in XV, only this time with Rock standing in for Tizoc since he's a little pre-occupied as The King of Dinosaurs. He's not at all amused. Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy: Provides the page image. He'll do his best to show you that your fighting ability and style suck ass compared to his, with a few broken bones as proof if he can.Gato: Be happy, you're alive. You pathetic loser! Badass Normal: No superpowered kung fu to speak off, just normal, regular moves. That doesn't mean he's incapable of tearing you a new one. Battle Intro: In The King of Fighters XV:"He might be the strictist martial artist in the world. His fists are registered weapons! Gato!" 

Gato: "Your power... Show it to me!" Battle Strip: Inverted. He starts with his shirt open, leaving his chest bare, but closes it when the fight starts. Blackmail: According to KOF 2003' backstory for Outlaw Team, Gato wasn't even interested to join the team. He only agreed when Geese made subtle threats that would endanger Hotaru, and only then Gato accepted the deal, though he stated that his reason was for showcasing the strength of his martial arts. The Bus Came Back: KOF XV marks his first playable appearance since 2005. Good Scars, Evil Scars: He's got three on his back, courtesy of his father. Handicapped Badass: Is blinded by a man who appears to be his father in his ending. Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Although he cruelly looks down on others and rarely shows respect for them, Gato softens slightly before Hotaru's presence, a possible hint that she is indeed his younger sister, and that his callous and placid coldness may be just a front to prevent her from being dragged into danger by association. Further proving this is indirect and subtle actions he has done, such as accepting Geese's offer to join with Billy and Yamazaki to prevent Hotaru from being harmed. Likewise, he is shown to hate others more evil than him even more, and when it comes to those who treat him civilly, Gato merely keeps to himself and often may leave to tend to his own matters without a word, not wanting to involve anyone into his own dangerous affairs. Long-Haired Pretty Boy: A pretty good-looking guy with long flowing hair. Though this is diminished a bit by his incredibly hostile personality. Murderous Thighs: A male version; one of his super moves has him jumping with the opponent he just knocked in the air breaking their neck in midair. No Full Name Given: He's just billed as Gato in all of his appearances, although his surname is all but stated to be "Futaba". Shirtless Scene: As a victory pose, which also reveals his scars on his back. The Stoic: Many of his interactions with others have him act extremely blunt towards them, oftentimes to a malicious degree. Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Gato didn't grow up as a complete jerk, he used to be a much gentler person which was why Hotaru was hell-bent in bringing him back. Problem is, after his father murdered his mother for reasons unknown, Gato chose to forsake his own kindness and focuses completely on getting revenge, becoming the Arrogant Kung-Fu Guy we know of him today.

Kain's best friend and most trusted bodyguard. When Kain and Grant were children, they saw a young boy who was beaten up by some older boys. The young boy didn't fight back and eventually died from the beating, thus the two adopted the philosophy of survival of the fittest. Their bond is so strong, he took a gunshot for Kain in one assassination attempt. Despite this wound, he's still one of the most powerful people to face against in the tournament. Blood Brothers: He's sworn an oath of eternal allegiance with Kain, as seen in a special intro pose. Bodyguarding a Badass: He's Kain's champion handpicked to lead the KOF tournament, but Kain himself is the True Final Boss. Grant's job is to subdue any intruders who would interfere Kain's dealings. Bring It: "Now show me your awesome power... show me all you have." Cool Mask: His mask is like a cross between a demon and a dragon's faces. It makes sense given he made bargain with a dark entity. Deal with the Devil: At some point, Grant made a deal with an unknown demonic entity to attain the Ankoku Karate (Dark Karate). It basically gave him massive power and speed boosts, and the ability to augment his attacks with dark auras. Death Seeker: To a degree. Due to his bullet wound, Grant lives every day as if it were his last and wouldn't mind the prospect of dying in the heat of battle, as long as Kain can live on to fulfill their dreams. Handicapped Badass: He's got a bullet wound, he will destroy you with his fists anyways. Hidden Depths: His bio states that he enjoys painting fine China. I Have Many Names: Real name Abel Cameron, usually known as Grant, also goes by the title "Martyr of Might." Knight Templar: Wholeheartedly supports Kain's plan to build a better Southtown through survival of the fittest cullings. Parental Substitute: In Kain's youth, Grant served as his father figure. Self-Inflicted Hell: An interesting detail: he hates hot places, but chooses to fight in a flame-filled underground chamber. Secret Stab Wound: Hides an injury he received protecting Kain, a bullet which is still lodged in his chest. Trademark Favorite Food: Beef stew. ff782bc1db

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