Premium members can now send a list of geocaches to their Garmin GPS device with the click of a button. We teamed up with Geocaching on this new feature to make geocaching with your Garmin GPS easier than ever.

Thanks to our recent collaboration with Garmin, Premium members can now send a list of geocaches to their Garmin GPS device with the click of a button. We teamed up with Garmin on this new feature to make geocaching with your Garmin GPS easier than ever.

Garmin Geocaching Download Free

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Yes I also agree. Sometimes what I do is just log "Found" and later edit the log to complete it. I find it much easier to do a complete log on a computer rather than my 66st or even a phone. But normally I prefer to not have them upload and later I will "try" to remember to log them. A bit of an issue for me as I have been known to forget to log many finds over the years. I bet I have found at least 10% more caches than my stats show. You might think that is because searching is more interesting than logging? But really it is because often when I am geocaching, I am on a trip or somewhere new and get caught up in other activities and just forget. If I could send them as drafts, I would just default to that and it would be easier to know I have not missed any.

Be forewarned. If you're doing this for the first time, you *may* end up with field notes from every cache you've marked as found on the device as the servers limit field notes/drafts since you last uploaded the file. Drafts on caches that you've already found won't post. But you'll have to manually find those. you can bulk delete drafts, but you can't reload them once they've been uploaded.

Garmin closed down OpenCaching a long time ago before they ever had direct wireless capable GPS devices. I don't remember if it did field notes, but it synced with the GPS via the now defunct communicator plugin seamlessly, such that you could log your finds directly (via wired connection) and load new caches in bulk simply from the map page. There were features of that site that were glorious that I wished at the time Groundspeak would have adopted (now obsolete, though analogs have been created), and there were features of that site that made it terrible (community peer-review of cache submissions, for example). In the end, Garmin didn't maintain it well, didn't promote it well, and it couldn't compete with the already established community here at And that's fine given that most of the caches on Opencaching were cross-listed here anyway.

Garmin has a history of both pawning off problems as somebody else's fault and ignoring bugs/feature requests except where they cause a major problem. Otherwise, if it takes too much effort to fix, they'll wait and introduce it in a later model. Case in point: There's no reason why older BT devices such as the Oregon 600, 700 and 64 series be opened up to connect with smartphone apps (Garmin Connect, Garmin Explore).

I may be a little different but I like the Geocaching live feature. I always send via Geocaching live. When I get home I just edit the finds uploaded to the geocaching website. No need to play around with field notes.

What is the geocache storage limit on the Etrex SE? Unless i missed it, the manual is kind of unclear on this other than saying it can store 5 gpx geocaching files, whatever that means buy I'm sure that means more than 5 geocaches. Maybe 5 files of 1,000 geocaches each? It does appear to have bluetooth and links up to Garmin Connect. Also has an electronic compass just the more expensive units. $149 seems to be a real fair price.

Although I have used my gpsmap 66st for some time now, the most recent software update has upset my geocaching. After downloading and installing an update on Nov 27th I have been unable to download caches via geocaching live. But not completely...

I am not yet done with all the field testing but so far, I am Really impressed what can be made for such a small screen. Thanks to you (dev) for helping out Geocaching Community to also work and cache with this great garmin device (using fenix 7)Thanks a lot to you!

norme problme, il me demande CONSTAMMENT de me connecter "open app to log in", toutes les 5 minutes.a devient saoulant, plus aucun intrt d'avoir geocaching sur sa montre si c'est pour quand mme sortir son tlphone toutes les 5 minutes.

A. The GPSMAP 60CSx does not support geocaching or geocache files like newer Garmin GPSr. The GPSMAP 60 series simply treats geocaches just like any other waypoint while allowing it to be displayed with one of two possible symbols, 'unfound' and 'found'. From the GPSMAP 60CSx user manual: "A geocache location is a waypoint with a special geocache symbol assigned to give special significance and to allow it to be separated from others on the waypoints list."

When I was first introduced to geocaching, the people I was with almost all used the GPSMAP 60 series GPSr (because they were the current model then) - but only to find the coordinates for each geocache. All of the description, hints, logs, etc. were printed on reems of paper they had bound to multiple clipboards, and this is how they accessed necessary information for each geocache as they hunted them, by printing them all out before hand. They would also make 'field notes' by hand in the margins of these printouts for later inclusion in their geocache logs, which were obviously entered at a later time via home computer.

The GPSMAP 60CSx can still locate your position on the earth and guide to any specified coordinates as well as it ever did, but, for activities like geocaching, there are much more user friendly options. (que the "I only use my smartphone now...." group here)

When I was first introduced to geocaching, the people I was with almost all used the GPSMAP 60 series GPSr (because they were the current model then) - but only to find the coordinates for each geocache. All of the description, hints, logs, etc. were printed on reems of paper they had bound to multiple clipboards and this is how they accessed necessary information for each geocache as they hunted them, by printing them all out before hand. They would also make 'field notes' by hand in the margins of these printouts for later inclusion in their geocache logs, which were obviously entered at a later time via home computer.

My retired geocaching buddy refuses to use any of my more modern receivers in favor of my 60CX, his favorite. So, I jot things down for him and away we go. I kind of miss those days, too. Now, a lot of geocachers are expecting a log be posted immediately to inform others of a FTF, for example. I've updated, of course, but I always enjoyed using those old clunkers.

Arrived home with my Fenix 7S, very happy. Found one huge pro already (compared to Forerunner 645), for Geocaching. I use this geocaching app called gcdroid (Android), which allows me to download a gpx file. My phone then offers Garmin Explore to share it with and that's it! Ready to go! Geocaching itself says 1. add cache to list 2. Download list 3. Import list with Garmin Express 4. Connect GE to watch.

I am completely new to geocaching. However, I will buy a GPS navigator as a gift to someone who means a lot to me. They are experienced in geocaching so I am not looking into some "beginner-friendly GPS". I've watched some youtube reviews and am looking into Garmin GPSMAP 67i. I don't have a budget and money is not an issue. So what I am asking is if anyone has experience with Garmin GPSMAP 67i or if somebody has a different recommendation. Or at least what should a proper GPS navigator have?

Geocaching company Groundspeak allows extra-terrestrial caches, e.g. the Moon or Mars, although presently, the website provides only earthbound coordinates. The first published extra-terrestrial geocache was GC1BE91, which was on the International Space Station between 2008 and 2017.[17] It used the Baikonur launch area in Kazakhstan as its position.[18] The original cache contained a travel bug (the first geocaching trackable item in space), which stayed on the station until it was brought back to earth in 2013. Due to fire restrictions on board the station, the geocache contained no official paper logbook. As of February 2021, only one confirmed geocacher (in 2013) has actually found the geocache,[19] although others have claimed to have found it providing varying amounts of evidence. To commemorate the occasion, Groundspeak allowed specialized geocaching events to be published across the world, allowing attendees to obtain a virtual souvenir on their profile.

The second geocaching trackable in space is TB5EFXK [20] which is attached to the SHERLOC calibration target on board the Mars Perseverance Rover, which landed on Mars on 18 February 2021.[21] Geocachers were given the opportunity to virtually discover the trackable after the WATSON camera sent back its first photographs of the calibration target that contained the tracking code number. The code is printed on a prototype helmet visor material that will be used to test how well it can withstand the Martian environment. This will help scientists in creating a viable Martian spacesuit for future crewed missions to Mars.[citation needed]

The activity was originally referred to as the GPS stash hunt or gpsstashing. This was changed shortly after the original hide when it was suggested in the gpsstash eGroup that "stash" could have negative connotations and the term geocaching was adopted.[22] ff782bc1db

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